For Cream Legbar chicken for sale, please visit our Price List or Order Form page. Please search your nearest poultry chick supply stores. Which breed of chicken produced highest number of eggs per year?? As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases on this website. $499. from 11.00. Pasture … Appearance. Cream Legbar Eggs Keywords: cream ... Hen: 2 – 2.7Kg. Crystal G – November 5, 2019. And their voice is very like the Araucana. 11 months ago Atlanta, GA $10.00 Contact Us 11 months ago Cream Legbar Chickens (cass city) Two cream legbar hens and one cream legbar rooster, about 2 yrs old purebred.Also one sapphire (cream legbar roo xx white leghorn hen).Nice birds, nice … Sep 23, 2015 1,789 141 151 Deer park, Washington. Because blue eggs are not in demand. Cream Legbar â Photo by Rupert Stephenson Gold Pencilled Hamburg Bantam â Photo by Jed Dwight Gold Duckwing Phoenix (Brian Sands line â supplier of breeding stock for 2016 importation) â ⦠Auto-sexing breed: Cream Legbar males are identified by a white cream spot on their heads, while females have chipmunk stripes. Isbar Chicks . silver legbar. It is well-known that genetically, these birds obtained this trait from the Araucana but few people know just how the Crested Cream Legbar came about.In 1939 Michael Pease was working with some Gold Legbars that he had been trying to improve by crossing into a utility White Leghorn coc⦠Southampton, Hampshire. I have fallen in love with orpingtons. Gold Legbars haven’t been seen in the UK for some time. My thoughts the chicks should come out chipmunk stripes.. but pullets should be gold and cockerels should be silver. The hens are rarely broody and produce a large number of eggs. Opal Legbar hens are pearl gray with silver barring around their necks. "silver" legbar (crele). Cream Legbar Chicks. Isabel Cuckoo Orpington Rooster . Legbar chicken is an auto-sexing breed, which means the males and females are easily distinguished by their color after their birth. $19- Not available at this time. Yellow Skin. They tend to be more spherical than most chicken eggs, and because of this they look shorter and therefore smaller. The Cream Legbar chicken is a medium sized autosexing breed that was created during the 1930âs at the Genetical Institute of Cambridge University by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease. 9-12 weeks. $15. Cream Legbar Hens; Plymouth Barred Rock Hens; Lavender Araucana Hens ... Silver Sussex hen Pricing. $49. 10 available.Silver Double Laced Barnevelder chicks: $10 each. Cream Legbar rare breed hens originate from Britain which are a very alert and sprightly chick and lay approximately 170 blue, Green or Olive shaded eggs per year. Cream legbar eggs are often deceptive in their appearance. Female chick. Crested Cream Legbar Pullets . Opal Legbars lay bountiful quantities of blue eggs. The other part of the formula for red sex links is that you have to be able to see the difference in the down. Reviews Rated 5 out of 5. $19. Straight run chick. Although eggs have slowed now. Ixworth. This breed was created using mainly Barred Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leghorns, but also some Araucana and Golden Campine genetics. The size is 4-5 lbs for rooâs and 3-4 lbs for hens. ... and the chicks of the Cream Legbar appearing as Gold Legbar chicks - Then even silver requires a range of colors. Breast, belly and wing coverts are barred dark grey and silver-grey. Cream Legbar eggs are often ⦠#CommissionsEarned, #ads, People Can't Get Covid 19 From Chickens CHOE. Breeding Pair Of Cream Legbar Chickens 1 Hen and 1 Cockrell . Many hens also have light creamy salmon breasts. The Cream Legbar inherited favorable traits from each of those breeds and made for a beautiful, productive blue egg layer. The breast is almost salmon colored while the body is silver-grey with broad barring. We specialize in Silver based Marans and Gold Crele Legbars! But the pullets should be blue egg layers. $15- Not available at this time. Female hens sport a small crest and are silver grey with a salmon-colored breast. Currently the American Poultry Association does not recognize the Cream Legbar as a breed. You can tell the sex of the chick at the time of hatch and they breed true. So my question is will a creme legbar rooster over silver leghorn produce blue egg laying sexlinks..? All laying well healthy birds. They are very firm, muscular birds with a wedge shaped body which is broad at the shoulders and tapers towards the rear. Silver Sussex Hens For Sale. The Legbar is a slender and elegant breed with similar proportions to a Leghorn. Females have a salmon colored breast and silver-gray neck, back and wings. The back and shoulders are mostly cream barred with dark grey. However, only gold, silver and cream Legbar are recognized varieties. Certainly the most notable of the English Large Fowl, beautiful accentuated "lacing" they are truly outstanding. Hens are cream or white egg layers, but the Cream Legbar hens lay blue or green eggs. They lay blue to blue-green eggs. The 7 hens produced an average of 260 eggs each. Home; Hens For Sale . The Leghorn (US: / ˈ l ɛ ɡ h ɔːr n /, UK: / l ɛ ˈ ɡ ɔːr n /; Italian: Livorno or Livornese) is a breed of chicken originating in Tuscany, in central Italy.Birds were first exported to North America in 1828 from the Tuscan port city of Livorno, on the western coast of Italy. Home of Rare & Heritage Chickens & Seeds. Straight run chick. from 15.00. I have 4 or 5 laying silver laced Wyandotte bantams hens Ages range from 6 months old to a year and a half. The wattles of the Legbar rooster are long and thin and red in color. 3-9 weeks. They were created by crossing Gold Legbar with White Leghorn and cream-coloured Araucana chicken. Large cream eggs!! This breed of poultry bird comes in eight different colours of Brown, Buff, Light, Red, Speckled, Silver, White and Coronation. The tail of the hens are carried at a lower angle. The Gold Legbar was first standardized with the Poultry Club of Great Britain as a breed in 1945 and the Silver Legbar was standardized six years later in 1951. For introducing sex-linked barring gene into the Leghorn, the Barred Plymouth Rock was used. £35 . Cream Legbar chickens is a breed nearly 100 years old which came from Britain but is fairly new to the United States. Good layers of cream colored eggs, calm, friendly and rarely broody. Discover (and save!) $499. If the color that Punnett recognized and wrote about is a dilution of gold, then a gold basis is necessary to have a Cream-colored Cream Legbar. The Weekly Crow, Chicken Photography Portfolio by Cindi Perry, Chicken Photography by Bonnie Stenzel: CHOE, Chicken Photography Portfolio by Mimi Calkin Santos: CHOE. The crest is cream and grey. Their story began in 1886 when William Cook created them by crossing M The breast is salmon and clearly, while the body is silver-grey with indistinct broad soft barring. One of the most popular auto-sexing breeds in the world, the Cream Legbar is still very rare in the United States. Do i have this right? After further development the Gold Legbar was standardised in 1945 with the Silver Legbar following in 1951. Ashton, Northamptonshire. Bielefelder. Opal Legbars are still considered a project breed. Female chick Bielefelder. This breed started out with black, white, buff, blue and splash. Tim is the founder of the poultrykeeper website and lives in Herefordshire, UK. The story of this bird is the result of the work and vision of two men: Professor R.C. Straight Run chick. The Cream Legbar chicken is a rare British autosexing breed. Cream Legbar chickens is a breed nearly 100 years old which came from Britain but is fairly new to the United States. £20 . They have long flat back, and their wings are large carried close to the body. Light Sussex. Chicken Breeds That Start With The Letter "A": Appenzeller Spitzhauben; Chicken Breeds: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Chicken Breeds That Start With Letter "B", Barnvelder Bantam Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Barred Cochin's Bantam:: Breed Information-Chicken Heaven On Earth, Black Cochin Bantams: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Buff Cochin Bantams: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Ginger Red Modern Game Bantam Breed Facts, Silkie Breeding Information & Chart: CHOE, White Silkie Bantam Chicken Information: CHOE, Silkie Mother Hen W/ Cute Baby Chicks: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Delaware Blue Hen-Chicken Breed Information, C: Chicken Breeds Whose Name Starts with C, D: Chicken Breeds whose name starts with D: CHOE, How to Preserve Endangered Heritage Breed Poultry, Lesser Prairie Chicken Going Extinct Updates, Ayam Cemani-Black Chicken: Exotic & Rare Breeds of Chickens, Chicken Comb Types: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Chickens Differentiate Between Colors & Shapes, Einstinia the Hen Can Tell the Difference Between Animal Shapes, Smart Chicken Of The Week: Chicken Heaven On Earth, The Flockstars-All Chicken Band Play the Keyboard-Smart Chickens Award: CHOE, Chicken Plays Tic Tac Toe-Smart Chicken Of The Week: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Combie The Rooster Has a Unique Way of Asking For Grapes-Smart Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Dancing Chickens-Smart Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, See How this Chicken Learned How to Stop: Smart Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Amazing Chicken Tricks-Smart Chicken of the Week-9: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Meet Frog The Rooster-Smart Chicken Of The Week-10: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Little girl reads to her potty trained chicken, Chicken Tricks and Silliness-Cute Kids with Smart Chickens: CHOE, Potty trained Hen-Chicks Can Do Tricks: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Pablo the Chicken Does Amazing Card Trick-Smart Chicken Intelligence: Chicken Heaven On Earth, 36 Lb Australorp Rooster Blown Away by The Wind at CHOE, Chicken Taught to Do Different Patterns on Cue:-Smart Chickens, Chicken Trained On An Obstacle Course: CHOE, Do Chickens Have Cognitive Abilities:Test Results:Chicken Intelligence, Expert Studies Prove that Chickens Have Cognitive Abilities & Intelligence, Hen's Do Form Friendships with Other Hens Study Results, Why Chickens Make Great Companion Pets: CHOE, Sounds Hens Make When An Intruder Enters The Nest. Together ⦠The Cream Legbar were standardised in 1958 but nearly died out in the 1970s as blue eggs were not in demand. Cream legbar eggs are often deceptive in their appearance. A dozen legbar eggs selected at random on our farm weighs over 25 oz. They are not considered as good winter layers. Chickens . Orpington Colors: Chocolate sexlinked GIRLS-Black and Chocolate Cuckoo BOYS-Lavender Mottled and Blue Buff Colombian - Thanks for visiting The wings are dark grey and faintly barred, with the wing coverts grey barred and tipped with cream. Opal Legbar hens are pearl gray with either silver barring or light straw yellow accenting around their necks. Their face is smooth and is of red color smooth and pendant cream or opaque white earlobes. Males are silvery white and lustrous greenish black. No need to register, buy now! Even though they are not yet recognized by the American Poultry Association, the Silver Laced English Orpington would make a unique addition to your backyard flock. Straight run. Absolutely love doing business with Chicken Ridge Farm. They come in Black and Blue with silver overtones on the roosters, hens are always a solid color. The Gold Legbar is very similar to the Cream Legbar and is a true autosexing breed which means that you can tell the sex of the chicks by the colour of the feathers. The roosters saddle hackles are cream barred with dark grey and are tipped with cream. From this the Crested Cream Legbar was developed. a non-crested Cream Legbar Hen. You can look for modern hybrid birds. Silver Laced Orpington. Isabella Leghorn . Legbar Origin. How to Tell If Your Chickens Are Too Hot: Industrial Strength Fans increase egg production: CHOE, Cecal Coccidiosis-Symptoms and Treatments, Preparing and Injecting Fowl Pox Vaccine for Chickens, Treatments For Foot pad Dermatitis in Chickens, Fungal Mycotic Disease in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments:CHOE, Parasites that Attack Chickens & How to Get Rid of Them, How to Tell If Your Chickens Have Mites or LIce, What to Do if Your Coop & Hen House is Infested with Parasites, Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Stops Mites, Fleas & Lice from infesting your Chickens: CHOE, Ivermectin Parasite Control For Chickens: CHOE, Permethrin: Mite and Lice Treatment for Chickens, Permethrin is Highly Toxic to Kittens and Cats Blog-Parasites, How to Get Rid of Red Mites on Chickens: CHOE, Three plants & a Poultry Tractor to Prevent Chicken Parasites, Types of Worms that Infest Chickens & How to Stop Them: Chicken Heaven On Earth, 7 Ways to Prevent Parasites from Attacking Your Chickens, Ascarids (Large Intestinal Roundworms): Worms in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments, Eye Worms in Chickens Prevention, Symptoms, & Treatments, Gapeworms in Chickens-Prevention & Treatments: CHOE, Gizzard Worms in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments, SALMONELLA PREVENTION & CHICKENS: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Baby Chicks & Eggs-Proper Handling Can Prevent Salmonella, How Using Ultra Violet Light In Your Hen House/Chicken Coop Can Prevent Salmonella: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Preventing Salmonella While Raising Chickens, How to Pasteurize Eggs At Home to Prevent Salmonella, Proper handling of eggs can prevent food poisoning, How to Euthanize a Chicken Without Removing Their Head or Breaking Their Neck: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Leg Problems in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments, Scaly Leg Mites in Chickens-Signs, Symptoms & Treatments: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Splayed Legs-Signs & Treatments: Hobbling Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Slipped Tendon in Baby Chick's Leg-What You Can Do to Help: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Candidiasis/Thrush/Crop Mycosis/Sour Crop in Poultry Symptoms & Treatments: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Moniliasis (Thrush) In Chickens-Symptoms & Treatments, Necrotic Enteritis in Chickens-Signs & Treatments: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Oregano Treatment for Necrotic Enteritis in Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, FDA Approved List of Medications For Sick Chickens, Amprolium Treatment for Coccidiosis in Chickens (Poultry): CHOE, Deccox® and LINCOMIX® FDA Approved Drug For Broiler Chickens-2018, Medicines Used In Medicated Chicken (Poultry) Feed: CHOE, Use Virkon S Disinfectant to Prevent Bacterial Infections & Viruses in Chickens, Poultry, & Livestock, Airsacculitis in Chickens-Symptoms & Treatments, Mycoplasma gallisepticum -Chronic Respiratory Disease-Infectious Sinusitis in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments, Denagard-Treatment for Mycroplasma Galliisepticum Dosage: CHOE, Aspergillus Fumigatus in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments, CRD-Chronic Respiratory Disease in Chickens Signs & Treatments: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Fresh Charcoal Ash & Slaked Lime Used to Treat Avian Influenza & Newcastle Disease: CHOE, Using Charcoal Ash to Prevent Disease in Chickens: CHOE, Quick Lime Reduces Bacteria Load in Poultry Litterr: CHOE, Surgeries On Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, How to Caponize/Neuter a Roosters: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Caponizing Roosters-Questions & Answers: CHOE, How to Use Stitches to Close the Incision/Wound After Caponizing/Neutering a Rooster: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Kinds of Chicken Vaccine's: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Coccivac Vaccines for Coccidiosis Management in Poultry: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Fowl Pox Vaccines for Chickens Chicken Heaven On Earth, Fowl Pox Vaccine-How & When to Administer: Chicken Heaven On Earth, What is a Fowl Pox-Vaccination: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Marek's Disease in Chickens Symptoms & Treatments, Newcastle Disease Avinew Vaccine: Chicken Heaven On Earth, Salmonella Vaccines for Chickens: Chicken Heaven On Earth, How to Vaccinate Your Flock of Chickens: CHOE, Why You Should Vaccinate Your Chickens CHOE, Vaccination Schedule for Pullet-Laying Hens, How to Administer a Wing Web Vaccination to Chickens, Wry Neck in Chickens-Causes, Symptoms & Treatments, ROOSTERS: Everything You Didn't Know About Them, Rooster's As Pets: Information, Questions & Answers, How to Introduce a Rooster to a Flock That Has One, What to Do If Your Rooster Turns Mean: CHOE, Dubbing Roosters-What do you think about this procedure? We will only be talking about the cream variant, as it is the most popular. They stand confinement well but love to be high on the roost. They cannot be considered a true breed quite yet. Comes from a Native American tribe who lived in these areas with their long and interesting history. Nov 12, 2015. The single comb however can be either erect or falling gracefully over to either side of the face without obstructing the eyesight. Straight Run chick. Bielefelder Eggs Packed up for Shipping. Cream Legbar. Straight Run chick. The Silver Legbar followed in 1951. All time healthy feed. Aug 7, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Jean-Daniel CHRISTIN. But crest should never be so full as to obstruct their eyes. Price. $12.50- Not available at this time. Review characteristics, behavior, temperament and full breed profile of Legbar chicken below. The wings are silver-grey, while the tail is also silver-grey with indistinct soft barring. $19- Not available at this time. On an average, the Legbar roosters weight about 3.4 kg and hens about 2.7 kg. This breed of chicken is known as an auto-sexing type. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Useful to Know: Many Legbars have lost their autosexing qualities. Not from SeaBreeze Hens flocks. Rare & Heritage Chickens. The crest of the Cream Legbar is small and compact which is carried well back from the red or orange eyes, falling off the back of the head below the extended comb. I'm not familiar with that cross but the legbar is supposed to be gold based. Last 2 left chickens for sale 3 sold 2 left white ones healthy chickens. Legbars have silver and barring. The roosters have a plumage of silky texture which is free from coarse or excessive feathers. Cockerals available prices between . Silver laced Wyandotteâs laying hens. Prior to 1931, there was no such bird as a Cream Crested Legbar. Find the perfect legbar chicken stock photo. And the Cream Legbar chicken was created by crossing White Leghorn and Araucana chicken. Blue Isbar Hen . It is classified as a rare, soft feather light fowl. Day old up to 3 weeks. Calling all genitics experts . We have the black. Blue Isbar Hen ... Red Orpington Rooster. Anyone done this? 30+ days ago. your own Pins on Pinterest English. For black sexlinks, you need a barred hen. The Cream Legbar chickens lay a beautiful blue egg. In 1952, seven legbar hens in England were monitored for a year. But, if you weigh the eggs you will find they nicely compare to other breeds. The breast and tail are barred dark grey while the sickles are paler. The developers used a cross breeding programme with two excellent egg layers; the Barred Plymouth Rock and Leghorn chicken. [2][5][6], The aim was to create an autosexing utility breed with a focus on egg laying, where male and female day old chicks could easily be sexed by their colour. Ixworth. Blue Isbar Chicks. They are not a flighty bird and the roosterâs are gentle. Bonnie the Cream Legbar hen cautiously wanders the coop, bumping into other chickens as she goes. Our bloodlines are 100% English, with the round body type characteristic of English Orpington. Wyandotte Chickens, Types, The colors, and variations, Why People Love, Where do you find, Protecting & Interesting bits about the Wyandotte. Au Québec, il est possible d’acheter des poules pondeuses rousses, noires ou blanches dans la majorité des coopératives agricoles. *** - Blue Laced Red Wyandottes generally of the blue variety. Note that the exact lifespan depends on lots of different factors, such as diet, shelter, and veterinary care. Crests develop at a later stage. In 1939 Michael S. Pease was trying to improve the productivity of the Gold Legbar. Straight Run chick. It was developed by cross-breeding the Gold Legbar with White Leghorn and creme-colored Araucanas chicken. Hens are not broody. The Araucanas introduced the dilute cream gene ('inhibitor of gold' ⦠Opal Legbar hens are pearl gray with silver barring around their necks. For red sexlinks, you need a red rooster and a silver hen. It is an old pure breed which originated in the 1930s as a cross between Brown Leghorns and Barred Rock. Bla Hona. Products. Michael Pease worked with him and when Professor Punnett retired Professor Pease took his place. The hen is not broody and lays approx 150 eggs per year. Not from SeaBreeze Hens flocks. Opal Legbar rooster. Details. Legbar chicken’s appearance is similar to that of barred Leghorn chicken. Saved by Beatrice Wallden And the Cream Legbar chicken was created by crossing White Leghorn and Araucana chicken. That's the formula for red sex links, gold rooster over silver hen. The wings are speckled with grey and the tail is silvery grey with light barring. Cream Legbar. Cackle Hatchery® has been breeding Silver Laced English Orpington since 2017. Bonnie has become functionally blind. Photo: A Cream Legbar hen belonging to Jill Rees. The breed is very good for free range system and dislike confinement. Il est toutefois plus difficile de trouver et d’acheter des poules de race, des poules issues du patrimoine ou encore des poules rares.. Ces poules à vendre sont souvent élevées en petits élevages éparpillés un peu partout sur le territoire du Québec. Cream Legbar rare breed hens originate from Britain which are a very alert and sprightly chick and lay approximately 170 blue, Green or Olive shaded eggs per year. male has cream neck hackles which are sparsely barred. Most of the chicks will be barred (regardless of gender) and silver, with varying degrees of gold/red leakage. Female hens sport a small crest and are silver grey with a salmon-colored breast. As we said; the Cream Legbar chicken originates from a lab. Take some time to enjoy their beauty and fall in love with your favorite color of orpington. The Gold Legbar chicken was standardized in 1945, and was created by crossing Brown Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock. More breeds coming soon at: Spring Creek Heritage Farms, Bellingham, Washington Home of Rare & Heritage Chickens & Seeds in Washington State . The roosters are easily tamed and can be aggressive during the breeding season. Bielefelder. Baby Red Says Her My Pet Chicken Diaper is "Good Good": Supplies You Need to Take Care of Baby Chicks: CHOE, Advantages of Using A Heat Plate for Baby Chicks, See Baby Chicks Enjoying Their Premier 10" x 10" Heat Plate, How to Hatch Chicken Eggs in an Incubator, How to Select the Best Eggs to Hatch: CHOE, Best Ways to Store Chicken Eggs for Hatching, Recommended Brooding Temperatures For Commercial Poultry, Definition of Terms Used for Incubating, Hatching Baby Chicks, How to Sex Chickens at 2 to 3 Months ofAge, Why You Should Never Store Fresh Eggs On Your Counter Top: CHOE, Sometimes You Can't Fool A Broody Hen W/A Fake Egg, Incubator's for Hatching Baby Chicks Best Deals, How to Keep Baby Chicks Warm Without Electricity, Cloudy, Lilac, Pink Colored Egg Shell Causes, What to Do if Your Hen is Laying Soft Shelled Eggs, Hatching Eggs in An Incubator: Questions & Answers, Commercial Incubators for Egg Hatching-CHOE, How Large Commercial Hatcheries Hatch Baby Chicks, How to Tell If Your Chicken Is Healthy: CHOE, How to Visually Inspect Your Chickens For Illness: CHOE, Things to Watch Out for When Purchasing Chickens, How Pet Chicken Owner Helped Her Egg Bound Hen: CHOE, Cloaca Infection-Vent Gleet- Pasty Butt Symptoms & Treatments, Importance of Maintaining Coop Temperature, Introducing Bantams to Standard Size Breeds, Biosecurity Guide for Chicken Health: CHOE, Crotalaria Plant Causes Health Problems in Chickens, Bumblefoot in Chickens: Signs/Symptoms/Treatments II, Acidosis-Heat Stress in Chickens-Symptoms & Treatments: CHOE. Silver Bielefelder. Males are silvery white and lustrous greenish black. The chicks can be sexed at a day old, according to their appearance. Hens are cream or white egg layers, but the Cream Legbar hens lay blue or green eggs. They are classed as pure breeds as their offspring will also remain autosexing. Round body type characteristic of English Orpington a lower angle than our past breeders due to the addition a. Grey and the breed was created using mainly barred Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leghorns and barred Plymouth Rock was.... Are identified by a White Cream spot on their heads, while the sickles are paler full as to their! Soft barring other part of the chick at the shoulders and tapers towards the rear you 7. Most popular auto-sexing breeds in the Genetical Institute of Cambridge University chickens CHOE the coverts. This point I have bought from you range system and dislike confinement was by! 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