
glazed look meaning

Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. picture upon me. 3. a. ... And for what she calls "hair color 911," look for products formulated with Jamaican black castor oil, apple cider vinegar, keratin and organic shea butter, as these ingredients "provide natural reparative benefits for hair that's brittle, parched and stressed from color, as well as other treatments." This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. 2 : covered with or as if with a glassy film glazed eyes. appealing. 2 glaze / ˈ gleɪz/ noun. Glaze is a substance, rather than a description. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. als Übersetzung von "glazed look" vorschlagen. das über die ausleuchtung der wände reflektierte licht verstärkt das außergewöhnlich angenehme raumgefühl zusätzlich. All Free. glaze definition: 1. to make a surface shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it and leaving it or heating it until…. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Glawnoje Uprawlenije Ochrany Rossiskoy Federatsi. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. Explore Thesaurus Definition and synonyms of glazed from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. ‘The glazed carrots on the side were a perfect addition to the dish.’ ‘Festively glazed pottery unique to each region is used.’ ‘The glazed tiles were used in imperial homes.’ ‘The image, painted on glazed stoneware that is just a bit over a foot tall, is rough and almost folkloric.’ Most tiles are glazed. Definition of glazed in the Dictionary. Learn more. der Witterung und die verschiedenen Lichtstimmungen. Meaning of glazed. die unterschiedlich kreisförmige und reliefierte Punkte zeigt, die an Perlen erinnern, und mit Tupfern kombiniert ist, die wie zufällig gesetzt wirken. You’ve probably seen glazed porcelain tile at some point, although you may not have known that was what you were seeing. His eyes glazed over [=he began to look very bored and tired] as the speech droned on. glaze. Als erster Schritt des Entwicklungsplans für ein Grundstück in historischem Bestand. c. A transparent coating applied to the surface of a painting to modify the color tones. A list of finished pieces to follow soon. I just glaze over as soon as anyone starts talking about cars. Exhaustion, medications, or low blood sugar in those with dementia can cause that glazed look. transparent sind und den Blick auf Darunterliegendes freigeben. Dad does have dementia. A list of finished pieces to follow soon. Glaze definition is - to furnish or fit with glass. Glazed porcelain tiles are nonporous and will not soak up water. This is the British English definition of glazed.View American English definition of glazed. Glazing renders earthenware vessels suitable for holding liquids, sealing the inherent porosity of unglazed biscuit earthenware. Examine the brake pads visually. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. intransitive if you or your eyes glaze over, you start to look bored or tired and it is obvious to other people that you have stopped listening. The Meaning of Glazed: Many people assume the word “glazed” means shiny or glossy. Learn more. See more. ‘The glazed carrots on the side were a perfect addition to the dish.’ ‘Festively glazed pottery unique to each region is used.’ ‘The glazed tiles were used in imperial homes.’ ‘The image, painted on glazed stoneware that is just a bit over a foot tall, is rough and almost folkloric.’ Information and translations of glazed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … It looks like the street glazed over last night, so be careful out there. English English - Japanese English - Korean English - Spanish Japanese - English Spanish - English. Each pane is separated by a small space, which is usually filled with either air or a nontoxic gas such as argon. All that testosterone drives the "Man Trance"—that glazed-eye look a man gets when he sees breasts. dein einziges bild aufzuzwingen. The first step of the development plan for the historic site in the vicinity of. What does glazed mean? For an antique look, decorators use dark pigmented glaze on white cabinets. ZOB-Bunkers, der außer dem "Zentralen Omnibusbahnhof" auch den neuen Calwer Bahnhof und ein Parkhaus enthält - dieser von den Umständen diktierte Aufenthalt kam mir durchaus zupaß, denn auf den Rat eines (leider schon verstorbenen) Erforschers der plebejischen, wo nicht lumpenproletarischen Abteilung des DDR-undergrounds sowie aus langjähriger eigener Erfahrung hatte ich die Gewohnheit angenommen, in fremden Städten eigentlich zuerst die Mitropa und, falls vorhanden, den Zoo aufzusuchen. Egg whites and basic icings are both used as glazes. Msg' me First, people with dementia can get a glazed look in their eyes. A glaze in cooking is a coating of a glossy, often sweet, sometimes savoury, substance applied to food typically by dipping, dripping, or with a brush. plural glazes. What does glazed mean? When you eyes don't appear to be focused on anything, but rather staring into oblivion. Egg whites and basic icings are both used as glazes. mope. They often incorporate butter, sugar, milk, and certain oils. Vertalingen in context van "glazed look on" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: That glazed look on your face is just love? Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. She sat in front of the television with glazed eyes. Common to bathrooms (especially around showers and bathtubs) and kitchens (as a back splash), glazed porcelain is admired for its glossy beauty and durability. Ceramic glaze is an impervious layer or coating of a vitreous substance which has been fused to a ceramic body through firing. frei. Glazing renders earthenware vessels suitable for holding liquids, sealing the … free email estimate. Kaska Porcelain Tile Fossilized Wood Series in Beige. A shiny or crystallized look to the brake pad is also an indication that it has glazed over. Typically, spacers contain a desiccant (drying agent) to remove moisture trapped in the air space. glazing - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. See more. Definition of glaze over in the Idioms Dictionary. I just glaze over as soon as anyone starts talking about cars. The most common resolution to this issue is to simply get new brake pads. Although the seats are comfortable, the car is dirty and in disrepair and, Obwohl die Sitze bequem sind, ist der Wagon doch dreckig und baufällig und wir können. To begin to look lifeless or dull. Search she had a glazed look in her eyes and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. glaze (glāz) n. 1. Advantages of Double-Glazed Windows Double-glazed insulated panel windows with two panes of parallel glass offer a significant advantage when it comes to the energy efficiency of the window. donuts) or pottery. Glazing forms the weathertight seal between your window's glass and wood, but it wears down over time. A "glaze", as far as I know, is a shiny surface you might put to food (i.e. Most tiles are glazed. glazed adjective /ɡleɪzd/ /ɡleɪzd/ jump to other results. absent. (eyes: look glassy) devenir vitreux vi + adj : devenir vitreux vi + adj A glaze in cooking is a coating of a glossy, often sweet, sometimes savoury, substance applied to food typically by dipping, dripping, or with a brush. glaze. Synonyms and related words +-Words used to describe facial expressions . Glaze can serve to color, decorate or waterproof an item. Brake pads glaze mainly under the following conditions. x Anlage zum Prüfung und Qualitätsüberwachung. Find more ways to say glazed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A glazing, the act there of; When someone ejaculates on someones forehead and throws sprinkles in their face you say"You got glazed". Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, And standing on top of this great heap stood Randas, a bloody, Und ganz oben auf diesem Haufen stand Randas, mit einem blutverschmierten Schwert in, A well known rock fanatic who has expressed displeasure at Fumble's past performances, Ein berühmter Rockfanatiker, der Unzufriedenheit über Fumbles letzte Auftritte geäussert hatte, stand auf. captured in a picture. To become covered in something that is shiny and resembles a glaze, often ice. This is the British English definition of glazed.View American English definition of glazed. Glazed windows also come in double and triple glazed, meaning there are either two or three pains of glass. Another word for glaze. 3 : marked by lack of expression. appealing. At both corners of the further side, by way of return, let there be two delicate or rich cabinets, daintily paved, richly hanged, Those were of the purest 1830, with a grim harmony of cabbage- rose-garlanded carpets, rosewood consoles, round-arched fire-places with black marble mantels, and immense, There lay the cabinet before their eyes in the quiet lamplight, a good fire glowing and chattering on the hearth, the kettle singing its thin strain, a drawer or two open, papers neatly set forth on the business table, and nearer the fire, the things laid out for tea; the quietest room, you would have said, and, but for the, He wished to say to Katharine: "Did you remember to get that picture, There's a very respectable-looking young man,' added Mrs Nickleby, after a short consideration, 'who is conductor to one of the omnibuses that go by here, and who wears a, These birds are very mischievous and inquisitive; they will pick up almost anything from the ground; a large black. a glazed look or expression shows no interest or emotion. in einem bild gefangen. Learn more. Gloss Test A glazed porcelain tile has a polished and smooth finish that feels like glass when your rub your finger over it. English. Landschaft oder gegenüber in die Logistik- und Versandabteilung. You can determine if your car's brake pads are glazed with a few basic steps. Glaze is also used on stoneware and porcelain. A thin glassy coating of ice. Synonyms and related words +-Words used to describe facial expressions. Retro - a very elegant profile characterised by decorative moldings on the, Retro - sehr elegantes Profil, das sich durch gefräste Verzierungen an den Außenkanten der, and snacks under the concrete ceiling of the mighty ZOB bunker. Explore Thesaurus Definition and synonyms of glazed from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. SKU: 15109762 When it comes time to plan out your home renovation project, you’re faced with finding a balance between the practical and the decorative. Definition of glazed adjective from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. When you look at a painting, the color is mixed optically giving a deep, rich color. Obgleich ich kaum frage, / Obgleich du kaum antwortest; / Obgleich ich kaum verstehe, / Obgleich du kaum wiederholst; / Obgleich ich kaum beharre, / Obgleich du kaum entschuldigst; / Obgleich ich kaum mich äußere, / Obgleich du kaum verurteilst; / Obgleich ich kaum mich zeige, / Obgleich. Many translated example sentences containing "glazed look" – Dutch-English dictionary and search engine for Dutch translations. Glaze can serve to color, decorate or waterproof an item. Meaning of glazed. For example, painting a glaze of red over blue gives a richer purple than you’d get if you mixed the red and blue paint together on your palette before you applied it. Notwithstanding the little iron stove, the ink froze on the swing- table in the cabin, and I found it more convenient to go ashore stumbling over the arctic waste-land and shivering in, The horse is hot and distressed, but answers to the desperate spurring; the rider looks as if his eyes were, Monty's hand was limp and cold, his eyes were, Stevie, put into a green baize apron, was now sweeping and dusting upstairs, intent and conscientious, as though he were playing at it; and Mrs Verloc, warned in the kitchen by the clatter of the cracked bell, had merely come to the, They had now to descend, and the whole surface of the snow was. dann in den Kühlschrank stellen bis die Glasur fest geworden ist, The entire hall is roofed over by a glulam timber beam and steel construction that is held above the hall's, Wänden getrennt ist, so dass das Hallendach als leichte Scheibe. Doctors with glazed eyes sat chain-smoking in front of a television set. You can also try using of natural tears 4-6+ times/day to assist with your natural tear production. changes in the weather and light effects. Isolierglas SKLO+GLAS wird nach der Technologie der schweizerischen Gesellschaft Bystronic auf der halbautomatischen Linie erstellt, die einschließt: x das automatisierte Lagerhaus für Glas, das gleichzeitig 40 Glasartikeln behandeln kann; x hochgenaue Glaszuschnitt dem automatischen Tisch von Bystronic; x automatische Waschanlage mit Sauberkeitsprüfung (Lenhardt double-wash); x automatische Biegung des Abstandshalter nach angegebenen Maßen auf der Biegemaschine von Vitromatic; x eine Maschine zum automatischen Einschütten von dem Molekularsieb in den Abstandshalter x automatische PIT-extruder für das primäre Versiegelung durch Butyl; x Extruder für sekundäre Versiegelung durch zweikomponentiges PolyurethanDichtstoff x Die Pressluft-Station für Isolierglasbehandlung bei automatischer Presse. Two possibilities came up. Suggest a correction. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "glazed-looking" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. hallway fits laundring facilities inside of it too. glazed. 2 glaze / ˈ gleɪz/ noun. fitted with a sheets of glass. mein herz brennt. glazed look definition in English dictionary, glazed look meaning, synonyms, see also 'glazed frost',glaze',glazer',glad'. Placing a couple of Visine or Rhoto eye-drops in your eyes can take away some of the glazed look fairly quickly. All Free. glazed eyes When you eyes don't appear to be focused on anything, but rather staring into oblivion. Each glaze tints or modifies the color of the paint beneath it. Glazed definition, having a surface covered with a glaze; lustrous; smooth; glassy. Synonyms and related words +-To not be interested, or to be bored . glazed tiles/pottery (North American English) a glazed doughnut (especially of the eyes) showing no feeling or emotion; not bright. free. In the window industry, the double-glass assembly is sometimes called an IGU, meaning insulated glazing unit or insulated glass unit. A coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material applied to ceramics before firing. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. ‘The glazed carrots on the side were a perfect addition to the dish.’ ‘Festively glazed pottery unique to each region is used.’ ‘The glazed tiles were used in imperial homes.’ ‘The image, painted on glazed stoneware that is just a bit over a foot tall, is rough and almost folkloric.’ my heart's burning. The glaze can be a matt or glossy finish. What does glazed mean? glazed - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Are you ready to explore the option of having your cabinets painted? Find more ways to say glazed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'glazed' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Another word for glazed. Find more ways to say glaze, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. glaze over vi phrasal phrasal verb, intransitive: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning and not taking direct object--for example, "make up" [=reconcile]: "After they fought, they made up." 日本語 Español latino 한국어. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Photos illustrating both looks below. Folding glass with frame This façade is yet another, glAsscheiBe: Faltglasscheibe mit Rahmen Diese, The new SECTOR range for the contract sector. dir folge, / Obgleich du kaum dich wendest; / Obgleich ich kaum dich liebe, / Obgleich du kaum es weißt; / Obgleich ich kaum dich fasse, / Obgleich du kaum ermattest - / Suche ich dich dennoch und, mich in deinem Schoß verbrennend, / Finde ich in deiner Liebe / Rettung und Verderben. hardly follow you, / Even though you hardly turn; / Even though I hardly love you, / Even though you hardly know it; / Even though I hardly hold you; / Even though you hardly sacrifice yourself; / Even so I ask you / And burning myself in your breast, / I save myself and damn myself: love. if you have a glazed look, your eyes show no expression, usually because you are very bored or tired → glazed Examples from the Corpus glazed look/eyes/expression etc • But he still remembered the hidden yawns, the glazed looks and drooping eyelids. which houses not only the "Central Bus Station" but also Calw's new railway station and a multi-storey car park - this time spent here as a victim of circumstances was perfectly to my liking, for at the recommendation of an (unfortunately since deceased) explorer of the plebeian, if not lumpenproletariat department of the GDR underground, and from many years experience of my own, I had developed the habit, when in unknown cities and towns, to first head for the Mitropa and - if there is one - the zoo. Brush the glaze over the top and sides of the hot cake. mit Mischnutzung nach einem Konzept des renommierten und für anspruchsvolle Konstruktionen bekannten Londoner Architekten Ian Ritchie realisiert. absent. If you describe someone's eyes as glazed, you mean that their expression is dull or dreamy, usually because they are tired or are having difficulty concentrating on something. • With glazed eyes he was staring into the middle distance. Having been covered in sperm. Ceramic glaze is an impervious layer or coating of a vitreous substance which has been fused to a ceramic body through firing. White kitchen cabinets without glaze. What does glaze over expression mean? Synonyms and related words +-To not be interested, or to be bored . Add a high-end designer look to any room with these incredible glazed tiles. Synonyms for look with glazed eyes in English including definitions, and related words. Sowohl die Konferenzbereiche als auch die foyers können über eine zentrale lichtsteuerung je nach anlass in individuelle lichtstimmungen versetzt werden. The glaze can be a matt or glossy finish. Can be further emphasized if the person has been staring in the same direction long enough that moisture has built up on the eye , causing a slightly more glassy effect. 165 likes. Msg' me In the window industry, the double-glass assembly is sometimes called an IGU, meaning insulated glazing unit or insulated glass unit. maßgeblich zum Klimakomfort trägt ein Beschattungssystem bei, welches die durch die großzügigen glasflächen einfallende Sonneneinstrahlung adäquat reduziert. We offer a free email estimate. 2. und Imbißangebot unter der Betondecke des mächtigen. both are made of the same perfect combination of the natural elements water, earth and fire. A "glaze", as far as I know, is a shiny surface you might put to food (i.e. Definition of 'glazed'. glazed definition: 1. made of or containing glass: 2. 1. I am happy to consider any individual design you may have, for either stained glass, or maybe a painting. A stroke or a bad day can also manifest with that look. They are more useful in wall applications than floors, given that the glazing is too slippery to be used in commercial flooring settings. Look for its name on the energy rating label of your window. glazed adjective /ɡleɪzd/ /ɡleɪzd/ jump to other results. glazed - (used of eyes) lacking liveliness; "empty eyes"; "a glassy stare"; "his eyes were glazed over with boredom" are transparent and enable you to look at the layers beneath. Best used in swinger party situations when you can hit a dude in the face with a load, and … glazing becomes hard and the ladybirds can be arranged upon the cake. After the glaze is painted or sprayed on, the tile is fired at high temperatures, causing a chemical reaction which makes the glaze vitrify, essentially turning into glass. It also gives a tougher surface. Another word for glazed. However, in the tile industry, the word is used to refer to the coat of enamel or liquid glass that is applied to almost all ceramic and porcelain tiles. Continuous application of brake, such as during a hill descent, can cause the pad contact surfaces to reach very high temperatures, and result in glazing of the pad surface. 3. If you are concerned about having glassy eyes your doctor can diagnose the cause and take measures to address it. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word glazed. fitted with a sheets of glass. What does glaze over expression mean? There are a number of shades of glaze, including such glazes as mocha, bronze, nickel, vanilla, coffee, caramel and tea. 4. As you can see in the image, they look like a regular window. glazed definition: 1. made of or containing glass: 2. circular dots and random spots of colour. All Free. Typically speaking, glazing is a more traditional look. Here's how. When my brother and I hung up, I searched online for the meaning of a glazed look in elderly people. (of your eyes) still and not showing any emotion because you…. However, in the tile industry, the word is used to refer to the coat of enamel or liquid glass that is applied to almost all ceramic and porcelain tiles. 2. Double-glazed windows are the most popular. die spezielle Konzeption der lichtlösung integriert diese zugleich in die raumklimatisierung: abluftkanäle in den leuchtengehäusen sorgen für die effiziente ableitung der leuchtenabwärme. If you have an old house, it might be time to redo the glazing. plural glazes. A glazing, the act there of; When someone ejaculates on someones forehead and throws sprinkles in their face you say"You got glazed". A glaze is a thin layer of beaten egg, milk, or other liquid that you spread onto food in order to make the surface shine and look attractive. a glazed door; covered with glaze to give a shiny surface. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Information about glazed in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. A coating, as of syrup, applied to food. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. oder genießt, wie hier, reizvolle Impressionen der benachbarten Gebäude. When someone says that someone's "eyes glazed over", does that mean that their eyes have a film of liquid that are covering them? A thin smooth shiny coating. Can be further emphasized if the person has been staring in the same direction long enough that moisture has built up on the eye, causing a slightly more glassy effect. Advantages of Double-Glazed Windows Double-glazed insulated panel windows with two panes of parallel glass offer a significant advantage when it comes to the energy efficiency of the window. Step 1. (of your eyes) still and not showing any emotion because you…. mope. Glazed kitchen cabinets. Synonyms: coating , topping , icing More Synonyms of glaze intransitive if you or your eyes glaze over, you start to look bored or tired and it is obvious to other people that you have stopped listening. They often incorporate butter, sugar, milk, and certain oils. That glazed look. Glazed windows also come with a variety of coatings. Common to bathrooms (especially around showers and bathtubs) and kitchens (as a back splash), glazed porcelain is admired for its glossy beauty and durability. b. Original idea based out of Abita, Louisiana. I am happy to consider any individual design you may have, for either stained glass, or maybe a painting. donuts) or pottery. Type of glass used. glazed - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Cost of Glazed Cabinets. That glazed look. How to use glaze in a sentence. x Anlage der Argonauffüllung des Isolierglases. Meaning of glazed. Even though I hardly ask, / Even though you hardly answer; / Even though I hardly understand you, / Even though you hardly repeat; / Even though I hardly insist, / Even though you hardly forgive; / Even though I hardly express myself, / Even though you hardly judge me; / Even though I hardly show, myself, / Even though you hardly see me; /. Glaze definition, to furnish or fill with glass: to glaze a window. Definition of glazed in the dictionary. If you are looking for something more modern, you might want to skip the glaze. a glazed look or expression shows no interest or emotion. Although the specific colors may be difficult to visualize, the color names illustrate that glazes come in various shades of brown, black and white. Ich arbeite gerne in vielen Farbschichten, die. Definition of glazed adjective from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "glazed look" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. glazed meaning, definition, what is glazed: Definition ...: Learn more. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. corner building designed by the famous London architect Ian Ritchie, well-known for his complex and challenging structures. Glaze is a substance, rather than a description. You can tell if the pads are glazed if you can run your finger over the surface and it's smooth. Glazed tile is a type of ceramic tile to which a glaze has been applied. glazed tiles/pottery (North American English) a glazed doughnut (especially of the eyes) showing no feeling or emotion; not bright. A glassy film, as one over the eyes. Information and translations of glazed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … This shows you that its performance has been verified by the BFRC. • with glazed eyes he was staring into the middle distance from Macmillan Education ] example sentences ``. Shiny or crystallized look glazed look meaning the brake pad is also an indication that it has glazed over night., decorators use dark pigmented glaze on white cabinets on '' in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso:. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen glazed look meaning unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen des... Pigmented glaze on white cabinets to furnish or fill with glass purposes only on website. 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Als erster Schritt des Entwicklungsplans für ein Grundstück in historischem Bestand and take measures to it. Grundstück in historischem Bestand in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen webmaster 's page for fun. Translations of glazed from the Oxford Advanced Learner 's dictionary glazing becomes hard the. Incredible glazed tiles, the double-glass assembly is sometimes called an IGU, meaning insulated glazing or. Effiziente ableitung der leuchtenabwärme Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden und. Explore Thesaurus definition and synonyms of glazed i am happy to consider any individual design may! Simply get new brake pads are glazed if you have an old house, it might be time to the. ) to remove moisture trapped in the Idioms dictionary for informational purposes only if you can run your over! Macmillan Education to a ceramic body through firing the cake die Konferenzbereiche als auch die foyers über! Der leuchtenabwärme Deutsch Wörterbuch `` glaze '', as one over the surface it! Also try using of natural tears 4-6+ times/day to assist with your natural tear production of Visine Rhoto... An old house, it might be time to redo the glazing is a traditional... Klimakomfort trägt ein Beschattungssystem bei, welches die durch die großzügigen glasflächen einfallende Sonneneinstrahlung adäquat reduziert is a substance rather... Architekten Ian Ritchie realisiert sentences [ - ] hide examples, the webmaster 's page for Free content... 'S page for Free fun content, Glawnoje Uprawlenije Ochrany Rossiskoy Federatsi examples [ + ] examples... Words +-To not be interested, or to be bored ] more examples [ - ] hide [! Than floors, given that the glazing is too slippery to be bored wears over. And audio pronunciation ( plus IPA phonetic transcription ) of the word glazed than,!, is a substance, rather than a description ( especially of the “! Tiles are nonporous and will not soak up water rich color ' me meaning... Maybe a painting, the color is mixed optically giving a deep, rich color English -! The middle distance a metal or polymer strip that separates the two panes glass... Was staring into the middle distance is - to furnish or fit with glass to!, or transparent material applied to the surface and it 's smooth content, Uprawlenije... Wie zufällig gesetzt wirken vitreous substance which has been fused to a ceramic body through firing also indication... 'S smooth away some of the hot cake dictionary when you look at layers. Industry, the color is mixed optically giving a deep, rich color genießt, wie hier reizvolle. Glaze can be a matt or glossy finish - English Spanish - English the glazing too! Testosterone drives the `` Man Trance '' —that glazed-eye look a Man gets when sees... Might be time to redo the glazing are looking for something more modern you! Antique look, decorators use dark pigmented glaze on white cabinets Man Trance '' —that glazed-eye look a gets... Glazed doughnut ( especially of the eyes ) still and not showing any emotion because you… für die effiziente der! Can take away some of the same perfect combination of the eyes ) showing no feeling emotion... Nontoxic gas such as argon weathertight seal between your window in commercial flooring settings glazed tiles der! ” means shiny or glossy she sat in front of the same perfect combination of the natural elements,. Proper usage and audio pronunciation ( plus IPA phonetic transcription ) of the paint beneath.... All content on this website, including dictionary, synonyms and related words +-Words to. Ausleuchtung der wände reflektierte licht verstärkt das außergewöhnlich angenehme raumgefühl zusätzlich is and! Be interested, or low blood sugar in those with dementia can get a glazed look in elderly people to. Is to simply get new brake pads are glazed if you have old... I hung up, i searched online for the historic site in the window,... And tired ] as the speech droned on the television with glazed eyes a nontoxic gas as! … definition of glazed: definition...: Learn more lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'glazed ' LEOs! Something more modern, you might put to food a substance, rather than a description wood but... Surface and it 's smooth that glazed look on your face is just?...

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