USDA Growing Zones: 9–11; often grown as a houseplant. Because of its charming leaves' structure, Echeverias are one of the most well-known succulents. Echeveria elegans, one of the most popular species, is commonly called Mexican snowball or "hens and chicks" (though it shouldn't be confused with Sempervivum, which also is known by that common name). Echeveria 'Neon Breakers' can grow up to 3 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter, and grows well outdoors as well as in container gardens. The rosettes grow up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in … When exposed to full sun, the tips turn coral-pink. Echeveria 'Dusty Rose' should be planted in sandy, well-draining soils to ensure proper drainage. The echeveria flower is beautiful to behold. Many Echeveria find their way into our hearts and plant pots, for very good reason. Echeveria derenbergii (Common name "Painted Lady") Echeveria affinis (Common name "Black Knight") A number of hybrids and cultivars of Echeveria also exist and are commonly sold: Echeveria 'Perle von Nürnberg' Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' Echeveria agavoides 'Romeo' See text. The common name for Echeveria is “hens and chicks”, due to its propensity for sprouting offshoots that crowd about the base of the mother plant (much like a mother hen and its chicks). Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. You can also browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus. Ghost echeveria, formally known as Echeveria lilacina, is an attractive species characterized by silvery-gray, and spoon-shaped leaves, ghost echeveria does best in part shade; the delicate leaves can easily burn if exposed to too much direct sun, especially in hot climates. Echeverias belong to the family Crassulaceae, a very large family containing many genera of succulents such as Aeonium, Crassula, Kalanchoe, Sedum or Sempervivum. Echeveria pulidonis E.Walther. Hence, scientific name of Echeveria is used worldwide. Some of the more well-known varieties include Echeveria Black Prince, Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg, Painted Echeveria Nodulosa and Echeveria Violet Queen. Give them lots of sun, a little bit of water, and well-draining soil, and you will have healthy echeverias that will reward you with stunning colors and flowers. This list shows a few of my favorites, and each image links to a dedicated page with more information. Cori is a freelance writer based out of Ontario, Canada, who specializes in houseplants and houseplant care. One of the reasons echeveria types are common succulents is that they come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and textures. USDA Growing Zones: 10–11; often grown as a houseplant. Echeveria 'Bambino' is a succulent that forms large rosettes of gray-green to blue-gray leaves tinged with pink. Echeveria Agavoides Christmas | Click here to purchase Native to North, Mexico, and South America, these succulents grow well in desert conditions but can also tolerate some moisture, as long as you don’t water them until the soil is well-drained. Echeveria types generally have thick green fleshy leaves. There’s a risk to potting Echeverias in bigger pots than they require, as the soil will stay wet for longer in larger containers, leading to rot. Echeveria pulidonis is a slow-growing succulent that forms stemless rosettes of fleshy, red-edged, pale blue-green leaves. Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy' is a unique-looking succulent with spoon-shaped, blue-green leaves that roll downwards along their length, giving them a curved appearance. It is a fast-growing variety that can grow up to 8 to 12 inches tall. Echeveria is a large genus of succulent plants in the Crassulaceae family, native to semi-desert areas of Central America. Ghost echeverias should be watered sparingly, and planted in well-draining, sandy soils. Dusty Rose appreciates full sun and infrequent watering, and as a hybrid, it is less frost-tolerant than most types of Echeveria. Back to Browse Succulents by Genus. Pulido's Echeveria. Echeveria prolifica Common name(s): N/A Synonyme(s): N/A Family: Crassulaceae Origin: probably Mexico More infos: grows good with a minimum of 3 sunny hours a day. To keep its vivid color, this plant requires regular exposure to direct sun. A regular cacti mix or a mineral mix can be used. When watering Echeveria plants, always water the soil directly and avoid allowing water to sit on the rosette of the succulent, as this can lead to rot and fungal disease. They are also some of the most prolific types of succulents, reblooming several times a year under the right growing conditions, with stunning orange, yellow, and red flowers. They are easy to care for, look beautiful, and don’t need a lot of water. Still others are hand-me-alongs, from friends or family, or from garage sales. Most of them grow in higher elevations in Mexico, where humidity is low and temperatures rarely get too hot. Echeveria plants do well in full sun to partial shade and are relatively disease-free. They readily produce offsets (chicks) that start out light green and darken with maturity. Allow the soil to dry between the waterings. An echeveria's color and shape may vary depending on how old it is; the time of year; and the direction, duration and intensity of the sun's rays. These … Painted Echeveria requires plenty of sun and well-draining soil to thrive. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. The succulent forms cute small rosettes hence the name because the rosettes are miniature compared to other echeveria varieties. Echeveria setosa. Echeveria 'Doris Taylor,' also commonly referred to as woolly rose, is a popular hybrid that is characterized by its unique green fuzzy leaves growing off short stems. All rights reserved. Origin: Southern Mexico, mountains of Oaxaca and Puebla. Synonyms. Common Types of Echeveria. As with most echeverias, echeveria neon breakers does not tolerate overwatering or frost. Echeveria elegans is cultivated as an ornamental plant for rock gardens planting, or as a potted plant. Species. Common name(s): Pearl Echeveria, Mexican Snowball and others Synonyme(s): N/A Family: Crassulaceae Origin: Mexico More infos: grows best if placed with a minimum of 3 sunny hours per day. deminuta Meyr n 1989 Common English Names include: Mexican Firecracker, Hens and Chicks. Oliveranthus Rose. Curated hierarchies for Echeveria cuencaensisv. Echeveria 'Hyalina' (common name) I think that this plant is a form of E.halbingeri v. sanchez-mejoradae. Unlike many other smaller echeverias, E. nodulosa can grow stems up to 2 feet tall, with rosettes reaching up to 5 inches in diameter. Echeveria elegans has bluish-gray leaves that form tight rosettes. Tippy flowers in the summer and its stunning orange flowers are sought after by hummingbirds. Euphorbia myrsinites | plant lust This is an easy tough tidy groundcover that lends marvelous texture to rock gardens & is great trailing over rock walls. It requires well-drained soil, , infrequent watering, and dry conditions in order to thrive. Etymology: The genus Echeveria is named after the 18th century Spanish botanist Atanasio Echeverria Codoy. Description. Sun Exposure: Part shade; will tolerate full sun. They can also be grown indoors as houseplants if adequate light is provided. The thick triangular leaves are pale green and have a red pointed tip. These are all classed as tender succulents, and are not frost hardy. Let the soil dry between the waterings. The Plant List includes a further 47 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Echeveria.We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. The common name ‘Hens and Chicks’ make sense if you examine the way that the new offsets develop around the mother plant in a tight group. The genus is named after the Mexican botanical artist Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy. In comparison to most of its Echeveria relatives, Doris Taylor appreciates filtered sun and only a few hours of direct sunlight a day. Echeveria Minima grows to only about 3-5 inches tall. Echeveria dactylifera. Browsing: Echeveria. You know your own watering habits best. Succulents are some of the easiest plants to care for as they require very little attention, making them great for gardeners of all skill levels. Common Name(s): Mexican Rosettes; Mexican Snowballs; Varigated Wax Plant; Phonetic Spelling ech-eh-ver-EE-a Description. The rosette grows up to 14 inches (35 cm) in…, Echeveria 'Set-Oliver' is an attractive succulent shrub that forms tight rosettes of hairy leaves at the end of the branches. Echeveria List A-L Find some favorites here. Echeveria is a genus of plants in the succulent family Crassulaceae. Scientific Name. Common name of Echeveria is the name which changes with change in the regions. Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Echeveria. Echeveria shaviana (Mexican Hens) The ... Echeveria xichuensis. Echeveria | World of Succulents. Echeveria setosa is a charmer with prominent hairs giving it a furry appeal. Soils are always well draining. Thanks to its unique appearance and growing requirements, Topsy Turvy won the prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the United Kingdom, Royal Horticultural Society. You can go with whatever container material you like, however. I recommend terra cotta pots for succulent beginners, as Echeverias like to dry out quickly. It is easily propagated through leaf cuttings and by separating offsets (chicks) from the main plant. Echeverias come in a variety of stunning shapes and colors and are widely regarded as some of the most beautiful succulents. Mexican Snow Ball, Mexican Snowball, Mexican Gem, White Mexican Rose, Hens and Chicks, Pearl Echeveria Be sure to plant this succulent in well-draining, sandy soil for best results, and move it inside during the winter if you live in a colder climate. Echeveria ‘Mazarine ... Offer void on orders where Ground Service is not available. 10 Most Popular Varieties of Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg' (Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'). Echeveria elegans is a succulent evergreen perennial growing to 5–10 cm (2–4 in) tall by 50 cm (20 in) wide, with tight rosettes of pale green-blue fleshy leaves, bearing 25 cm (10 in) long slender pink stalks of pink flowers with yellow tips in winter and spring.. Cultivation. Family: Crassulaceae . Echeveria 'Pagoda'. Echeveria is a large genus, with approximately 150 species and over 1,000 cultivars. In the fall and winter, Black Prince produces stunning dark red flowers that emerge on tall flower stalks. Overall, echeverias are low-maintenance, attractive succulents that make great additions to gardens, houseplant collections, and container gardens alike. There are no common names associated with this taxon. Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg' is often featured in floral arrangements, container gardens, and wedding bouquets thanks to its stunning colors. Search Plants by Name. Echeveria “Esther” from Leaf and Clay Echeveria “Abalone” from Leaf and Clay Common Names. Echeveria nodulosa, commonly known as painted echeveria, is a unique looking Echeveria species that is distinguished by its green leaves that are marked with vertical red stripes. Repot Echeveria in the spring as needed, but only go one size up. Search for: Search by Category or Genus It is also known as Topsy Turvy, Mexican ‘Hens and Chicks’, Silver Spoons Echeveria, and Upside-Down Echeveria. The botanical name for this succulent literally means ‘looking like an agave.’ Pink, red, or orange flowers appear in the summer. The surfaces of the…, Echeveria xichuensis is a succulent that form stemless or short-stemmed rosettes of dark olive green leaves tinged purple, with transverse…, Echeveria 'Pagoda' is a beautiful succulent that forms a rosette of fleshy leaves with a bump that takes up to the tip. Click on the photo or the name of the succulent plant for which you wish to see further information. Copyright © 2013-2020 World of Succulents. The Plant List includes 385 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Echeveria.Of these 167 are accepted species names. Echeveria leucotricha and pulvinata (Chenille Plant) Karelj [ CC BY-SA 3.0] These two species look very similar, enough to share a nickname. Not only do echeverias add a tropical flair, but they are easy to maintain and easy to propagate. It enjoys bright light, infrequent watering, and sandy, well-drained soils. The most common problems seen on Echeveria are due to poor watering habits. Echeveria is a family of rose-shaped succulents native to the semi-desert regions of Central America. This evergreen Echeveria hybrid features purple leaves with pink ruffled edges that get brighter in direct sunlight. It is distinguished by a solitary rosette of paddle-shaped, pastel leaves, with a dusty appearance. Description. This makes ID'ing echeverias difficult, especially since many cultivars look alike and may be closely related. Echeveria as a group seem to either be mis-identified with the wrong name on the tag, or unidentified with no tag at all. Urbinia Rose. Each rosette can grow up to 8inches in diameter in ideal conditions. They can grow up to 6 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter. They are popular among florists, interior decorators, wedding planners, gardeners, and houseplant enthusiasts alike. Topsy Turvy can grow both indoors and outdoors, but will only do well outdoors in warm climates. It is native to desert regions of Texas into South America and is therefore quite drought tolerant. In lower light, the leaves are a muted grayish color, but turn bright purple and pink in direct sun. This Echeveria variety is characterized by attractive green-blue, spoon-shaped leaves with prominent pink tips that grow in a tight rosette. Scientific Classification. Echeveria COMMON NAME: HEN & CHICKS. Toxicity of Echeveria Good news, pet parents—succulents in the Echeveria genus are safe to grow around pets and humans! During the cooler months, ghost echeveria can take on a more lilac hue. Echeveria dying after flowering. Echeveria elegans. Hens and chicks is another common name for echeveria since they can grow in bunches. It's quite common to confuse Echeverias with Sempervivums, especially as they can both go by the name "Hen and Chicks", the latter of which does die after flowering (monocarpic). Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg' is arguably the most popular type of echeveria. There are about 100 different species of echeveria. It can make an excellent addition to any garden, container garden, or indoor houseplant collection. As with most succulents, echeverias require bright light, infrequent watering, and well-draining soil in order to thrive. The most common problem with these plants is overwatering as they prefer dry, well-drained soil. Painted Echeveria (Echeveria nodulosa). By using The Spruce, you accept our, 'Perle von Nurnberg' (Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'), Black Hens and Chicks (Echeveria 'Black Prince'), Topsy Turvy Echeveria (Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy'), Dusty Rose Echeveria (Echeveria 'Dusty Rose'), Mexican Snowball/ Hens and Chicks (Echeveria elegans), Neon Breakers Echeveria (Echeveria 'Neon Breakers'), 5 Different Species of Bird of Paradise Plants, 10 Varieties of Begonias for Gardens and Containers, 25 Recommended Air Plants to Grow Indoors, 16 Eye-Catching Varieties of Hardy Geranium, 14 Unusual Aloe Species for Your Frost-Free Garden, 4 Genera of Bromeliad Plants for Growing Indoors, 11 Palm Trees That Tolerate Freezing Temperatures, 8 Varieties of Coreopsis for Your Flower Garden, 14 Varieties of Beautiful Anemone Flowers, 7 Species of Daisies for Your Flower Garden, 9 Best Colorful Plants for Hanging Baskets. Black Prince grows in tight rosettes that grow up to 3 inches wide. A regular cactus mix or a mineral mix can be used. They are easily propagated with cuttings or leaves or division of the offsets or “pups” that are produced by this plant. Echeveria 'Dusty Rose' is a popular hybrid variety that is characterized by powdery violet rosettes. Courantia Lem. It grows up…, Echeveria strictiflora (Desert Savior) is a succulent that forms stemless or very short-stemmed rosettes of grey-green to brownish-green…, Echeveria setosa (Mexican Firecracker) is an attractive succulent with short branching stems and rosettes of fleshy green leaves covered…, Echeveria harmsii (Plush Plant) is a small succulent shrub that forms rosettes of light green leaves with red edges at the end of the…. Propagation also takes longer with fuzzy leafed varieties, so exercise patience if you are attempting to propagate Echeveria 'Doris Taylor'. They are versatile plants that can tolerate growing both indoors and outdoors, although most are not frost-tolerant. Echeveria is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae, native to semi-desert areas of Central America, Mexico and northwestern South America. It can flower multiple times throughout the year and sports bright orange flowers that emerge on tall flower stalks. Spread 8" Can be grown as an epiphyte Partial to full sun Very low water needs Hardy to about 35 degrees Pink flowers spring to summer Scientific name: Echeveria setosa var. Echeveria is a genus of flower-shaped evergreen succulents that is native to the mountainous ranges of Central and South America. Keep an eye on your plants and make adjustments if needed.Soil Like all succulents, Echeveria need soil that drains quickly. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Echeveria Minima is an echeveria type which produces chubby bluish leaves. Oliverella Rose. It propagates easily through leaf cuttings and offsets and grows well in sandy, well-draining soil. Still it is beneficial to know the common name of all garden plants. Echeveria is a large genus of succulent plants in the Crassulaceae family, native to semi-desert areas of Central America. This succulent does well grown both indoors and outdoors. Here are 10 of the most popular echeveria varieties. Over and under watering can both produce similar symptoms. It is one of the…, Echeveria dactylifera is a succulent that forms a large, stemless or short-stemmed rosette of reddish to reddish-brown, slightly glaucous…, Echeveria shaviana (Mexican Hens) is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of greyish-green to blue-gray leaves with whitish, wavy…, Echeveria 'Can Can' is a succulent that forms a large rosette of stout, fleshy leaves. Echeveria 'Black Prince', commonly referred to as black hens and chicks, is a slow-growing hybrid variety of Echeveria characterized by dark purple-brown, triangular leaves. There are plenty of types with different gorgeous colors when it comes to Echeverias. The ‘Molded Wax Agave’ is the common name for the echeveria species Echeveria agavoides. Statistics. This desert rose was named after Atanasio Echevarria, an artist from Mexico. Echeveria : Other Source(s): Source: Crassulaceae of North America Update, database (version 2011) Acquired: 2011 : Notes: Updated for ITIS by the Flora of North America Expertise Network, in connection with an update for USDA PLANTS (2007-2010) Reference for: Echeveria : Source: The PLANTS Database, database (version 4.0.4) Acquired: 1996 : Notes: You choose has at least one drainage hole at the bottom to prevent root rot distinguished by solitary. If adequate light is provided Echeveria pulidonis is a charmer with prominent pink tips grow! And plant pots, for very good reason not frost hardy and houseplant enthusiasts alike to provide with! They readily produce offsets ( chicks ) that start out light green and darken with.. 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