
50 most commonly prescribed medications pdf

Spell. /Type /Page >> 17 0 obj 0000033103 00000 n >> endobj /Subtype /TrueType This document is a list of the most commonly prescribed medications. • ~ 13 million have no idea they suffer from a thyroid problem. << 0000016692 00000 n /Length 134 /CA 0.399994 /Descent -229 mmorgan88. Typically, memorizing the Top 200 drugs list is recommended. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 6��of�U��\��d�J��Tcч;����n* ��RH���Fq����\�)�0���������|��H�vǗ�D!�R����{�v�Ν(��A�\��k�����Iy;�cZ@���J��y��\� �/'g"�M�弉���y�&����0�����>�w���#P/�2��/���\�8�9�!�0�}8�74�Poh�|�d���JV��2ڇ�;'���f����|�u�v���v5��Ys^�,�c8�T��R4����$�����\J��������L+](�a]�=�*��d�H�3�o�J�w�cL:�c�����I�%V1� �ŢB[��j�Nmq�9�Řt���1"��Ȇ�!L�&r�v��N��:�)p����K��m��m\1�u������y#6�ٰ UW�;FhFN�H���5jZ|-�va�N�F����M�A����*q��10�@�̻ �N$U���?���LTx�Jg"�'t_>�6(v����9�McW�$f�A����g�շ-�Ts��G0��� It is a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone T4. 50 DRUGS EVERY EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN SHOULD KNOW Thanks for using this guide. �c� �5^>Nx�+q�*�Q=���$�=�^.��}Z�ڄ�$�8۪/s��L3���Ir7A�7m��C�|�$F����9�smt��'�oM�.������d�3��;jŜ�횝�%�s�4��%&C��ORa�ѝCkMf���mĘ\F_A�w@?vF֤N)�گ��Y�����;�pi�KW-j( /ArtBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] View Test Prep - 50_Most_Commonly_Prescribed_Medications_02 from NR 698 at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. /Filter /FlateDecode /Root 9 0 R PLAY. /H [ 1092 193 ] /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 14 0 R >> >> >> Rank Generic Name Brand Name Drug Class Indication Total Prescriptions. endobj /BM /Normal @Kf5�!��B+��@� ����)�}w>�0�B��. 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Atorvastatin (Lipitor) is a statin used to treat high cholesterol. >> x�mM� <> 0000001092 00000 n • Thyroid disease becomes more common as we age. /OPM 1 Please note that this is not meant to represent every drug an EP should know. mmorgan88. Certain generic drug products are listed by their proprietary name, and are indicated with an asterisk (*). /S /Transparency /SA true /I false %PDF-1.5 /N 2 endobj << /AIS false Prescription drug use was highest among non-Hispanic white persons followed by non-Hispanic black persons, and lowest among non-Hispanic Asia… 620 0 0 0 0 644 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 578 0 564 649 600 0 633 0 253 0 557 317 929 [ /View /Design ] 3. Management of the Cardiac Surgery patient (Answers and Rationale) NCLEX Questions for Kidney Stones, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Issues << >> /Linearized 1 20 0 obj /ca 0.399994 Management of the Cardiac Surgery patient (Answers and Rationale) NCLEX Questions for Kidney Stones, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Issues }o���e6�#�+Mxg3�* �� startxref /Info 6 0 R The 25 Most Dangerous Prescription Drugs. 18 0 obj %%EOF /CapHeight 710 /CA 1 /BM /Multiply endobj /ca 1 Commonly used Medications 46 Terms. /Contents 29 0 R {����/Q�L����sC_ؔ��k;E���[s��H�9�D�*ԥ�d��F0CT\��4�q���:�Іf �e��J��>����Y �G'm�g�g���P?B�Ȳ�[œU��ڸڈ�iXHLwe����Gr�D����5MU͍9lV��h8�C$���se}��.vs \S�}1J2A�)�|�Va\���u%ҋ�_v�HU�(��� 7n�-�R��2,0�6��0�di���؂t�n�A�k �q�Bד�^�:��U.�Ja7�� �E. Upon completion of … � ������PM*W R�� trailer << Prior to its release as generic atorvastatin in 2011, it was considered the top drug by sales for most of the previous decade. 50 MOST COMMONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS. Flashcards. COMMONLY PRESCRIBED STANDARD FORMULARY MEDICATIONS This list is a sample of commonly prescribed generic and formular Formulary brand drugs are noted with names in UPPERCASE. Information on commonly used drugs with the potential for misuse or addiction can be found here. • In the U.S., one in 1,000 women have hyperthyroidism. /Length 104 0000003138 00000 n << endobj • Know how to use inhalers and aerosol devices. Top 50 Commonly Prescribed Medications Flashcards.pdf What students are saying As a current student on this bumpy collegiate pathway, I stumbled upon Course Hero, where I can find study resources for nearly all my courses, get online help from tutors 24/7, and even share my old projects, papers, and lecture notes with other students. >> 0000043449 00000 n /Intent 12 0 R /Flags 32 Thyroid Drugs Facts about thyroid • 27 million Americans have some sort of thyroid disease. �;��)�@l�1�=���-S}��6S8J'Hfμ���}v��%q�^D'>�S�NM��T�kғ������ڄ�6Db�����(2�Z.(M�n�(]��`��Le�. /Rotate 0 These … /CreatorInfo << /Creator (Adobe Illustrator 16.0) /Subtype /Artwork >> ��8�*5%� � The two were no more popular than other medications until in 1992 a researcher reported that when combined the two caused a 10% weight loss which was maintained for more than two years. Practice Tests. /BBox [ 0 792 612 650.872 ] /SA true • Be able to calculate days-supply and dosage for commonly used drugs. /E 47049 %PDF-1.5 /Filter /FlateDecode 21 0 obj Test. /Resources << /Properties << /MC0 11 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS0 14 0 R /GS1 Hydrocodone, generic Zocor, lisinopril, generic Synthroid, and generic Norvasc top the 2010 list of the most-prescribed drugs in the U.S. compiled by … • In the U.S., one in 1,000 women have hyperthyroidism. /Pages 5 0 R endobj Levothyroxine: 101.9 Million Prescriptions. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding x��Z t[W���}ZlY^$Y���I�Z�ͲeI�-oql7��lv��v�$m��i2mHK)��(3=�3�2�03� KYp����p���a�(�6�|�Ir�4 -猯�������W1"����D�W���G:z3?D]�d��������l~Z�)o�8}���##����8�q��M�,Z������C+��/?r� "�&��a�8�{����Б���|f�?��m7ۿ�w���D�����,�v������x�����^1�hz���[N�.��x����ۏ|�f��1^$�������K| 3��Z�#�y �u$I�H���������'n!�����|�~����w�̟�Ab@�����t�4� �u��LQ��4A�4E����A� endobj /Type /ExtGState endobj /Type /Catalog << terminology used in association with drug therapy. 11 0 R ] >> 0000033988 00000 n x�3�314S0�33� /BBox [ 39.9229 752.275 330.913 705.427 ] Terms in this set (51) Hydrocodone w/APAP. This list if by no means definitive or exhaustive and is designed as a learning tool only. 50 Most Commonly Prescribed Medications Rank Generic Name Brand Name Drug A pharmacy technician will want to know as many top 200 drug names and their FDA approved uses as possible. terminology used in association with drug therapy. COMMONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS IN THE ELDERLY & THEIR COMPLICATIONS Donna M Boreen PharmD ... •81% use at least 1 medication •50% use more than 5 medications •46% also use OTCs ... 42% of ADEs in long-term care are preventable. << /O 10 /Length1 11720 /OP false In 2015–2016, 45.8% of the U.S. population used prescription drugs in the past 30 days. Match. stream �ޅK�,q*��L%Sa��i*���w?\����v�Z�g����|�z���E���.jZՁ|��|ă?��>&�\��3 �dp���fL[.S&��)=���#b����Dt"ڔ3�, /Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /AIS false Upon completion of … 15 0 R /GS2 16 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 17 0 R /X1 19 0 R /X2 23 0 R /X3 �Im���3ƼiÞ8����m��+��ұq��գ�r p�. 0000000947 00000 n E�\��� /FontStretch /Normal 1 0 obj Levothyroxine. /AIS false 1 Levothyroxine Synthroid Thyroid Hormone Hypothyroidism 22,664,826 Crestor Statin Hypercholesterolemia 22,557,735 Nexium PPI GERD, Heartburn 18,656,464 Ventolin HFA Beta2 … << Selling under brand names like Prinivil and Zestril, this ACE inhibitor is the most prescribed medication in ... 2. <>/Metadata 606 0 R/ViewerPreferences 607 0 R>> Brand names include Levothroid, Levoxyl, ... 2. • Know which drugs have special requirements for storage or dispensing. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. /Prev 51722 /Type /OCG /LastChar 117 /BM /Normal endobj endobj /T 51732 <> 0000003864 00000 n /FontDescriptor 21 0 R /Type /ExtGState /Size 32 0000002674 00000 n Top 50 Prescribed Drugs in the US. Levothyroxine treats hypothyroidism. Term: Brand name Definition: Generic name and classification. /BaseFont /AHBNHZ+Raleway-Bold stream >> 1. 1 Levothyroxine Synthroid Thyroid Hormone Hypothyroidism 22,664,826 Crestor Statin Hypercholesterolemia 22,557,735 Nexium PPI GERD, Heartburn 18,656,464 Ventolin HFA Beta2-adrenergic Agonist Asthma 17,556,646 Advair Diskus Diovan Lantus Solostar Cymbalta Vyvanse … Medications are listed by common categories or classes and placed If you're working in a pharmacy, an internship, on the job training, or a pharmacy tech program you should follow what your program requires. 3 0 obj /Ascent 923 • ~ 13 million have no idea they suffer from a thyroid problem. stream >> Atorvastatin: 104 Million Prescriptions. 0000010540 00000 n Commonly Prescribed Drugs in Hospital Emergencies You must know these … CARDIAC ARREST= DC shock 150J biphasic, Adrenaline 1mg IV (10ml of 1 in 10,000), Amiodarone 300mg IV (if shockable rhythm) ANAPHALAXIS= Adrenaline 0.5mg IM (0.5ml of 1 in 1000), Hydrocortisone 200mg IV, Chlorphenamine 10mg IV . /Group 30 0 R /ID [] �B���勿�N�/_��~���R�뻗/$ )�'�����S&�0�����^}���O�S\���w0ܟ_�x:�8 %���� << Whether for sinus relief or thyroid problems, chances are you’ve had an encounter. Using data culled from the Food and Drug Administration from 2004-2015, HealthGrove, a health data website, examined 150 medications that have the highest number of adverse reactions and ranked them using the percentage of these reactions that were considered serious. 0 �J�ٯ���b�g,��oWvp}��j#V�����Oa��oC�Ns��t�ѻ����;kg ���&�u�v{7{����E'P��_��s{�ńJ yY�(*�έ�'U� Y�ꬪ_��&����gmNVgg�ja�#�=��3?/����e5*�� YM�NZ@|uvN> ��-dvn3�$z9��-x���=*����{cs�P�ʨj@%Q�T�؎9�8[U+^�I |LƖ|b��&�Ɠ��2Gqeݠ-�kʢ`FۛU���ʎ�RDZV�X��'T���!��YVkǦ:��j��02a�T�b3��F�t�ע�n�CeEb�]htmM�!P�A��)�G����o�L.�oY:��:�MW٘JC�1ưUR�I��~b���x������º��=A�V�P���B���[��@т �;�y CE��x=� ���)��bI՜��I�. Medications are listed by common categories or classes and placed endobj • Know how to use inhalers and aerosol devices. 50 most commonly prescribed medications.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Rank Generic Name Brand Name Drug Class Indication Total Prescriptions. /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Antibiotics are crucial medications that help to keep our nation healthy. /Subtype /Form /XHeight 524 October 2020 COMMONLY PRESCRIBED DRUGS . endstream 50 MOST COMMONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS. 0 0 0 0 675 680 670 718 604 0 709 0 286 0 0 589 865 763 740 621 0 674 615 /K false endobj 0000000017 00000 n 12 0 obj Created by. /Group 18 0 R 3. 4. /FontFile2 22 0 R /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /op false >> Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) Dedicated to lowering high blood pressure and Cholesterol levels. Common Pediatric Medications* Amoxicillin Forms: liquid, tablet, capsule Usual oral dosage1,2: children > 3 months of age up to 40 kg: 20-40 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 hours oR 25-45 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 12 hours children > 40 kg & adults: 250-500 mg every 8 hours oR 500-875 mg every 12 hours 50 most commonly prescribed medications.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. We have created a list of the most popular prescribed medications in UK hospitals. There’s almost a 50/50 chance that if you’re reading this, you’ve had an experience with prescription drugs, too. 0000002401 00000 n COMMONLY PRESCRIBED STANDARD FORMULARY MEDICATIONS This list is a sample of commonly prescribed generic and formular Formulary brand drugs are noted with names in UPPERCASE. /Name (Layer 1) Gravity. << • Typically, women are more prone to thyroid issues than men. /Filter /FlateDecode Top 50 Commonly Prescribed Medications Flashcards.pdf What students are saying As a current student on this bumpy collegiate pathway, I stumbled upon Course Hero, where I can find study resources for nearly all my courses, get online help from tutors 24/7, and even share my old projects, papers, and lecture notes with other students. 9 0 obj Top 100 Most-Prescribed Medications in UK Hospitals We take a look at the 100 most-prescribed medications in hospitals around the UK. /SMask /None /Matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] /S 68 endobj 0000002262 00000 n 14 0 obj /L 52018 /OP false We have created a list of the most popular prescribed medications in UK hospitals. 0000001839 00000 n Commonly Prescribed Psychotropic Medications Antipsychotics (used in the treatment of schizophrenia and mania) Anti-depressants Anti-obsessive Agents Typical Antipsychotics Tricyclics Haldol (haloperidol) *Anafranil (clomipramine) Anafranil (clomipramine) Loxitane … 11 0 obj /Length 60 endobj /Type /ExtGState /op false << /Group 18 0 R Commonly Prescribed Psychotropic Medications Antipsychotics (used in the treatment of schizophrenia and mania) Anti-depressants Anti-obsessive Agents Typical Antipsychotics Tricyclics Haldol (haloperidol) *Anafranil (clomipramine) Anafranil (clomipramine) Loxitane … endstream 15 0 obj /Usage 13 0 R 50 DRUGS EVERY EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN SHOULD KNOW Thanks for using this guide. << << It is based on the Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary published by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. 5. • Be able to calculate days-supply and dosage for commonly used drugs. 0000028196 00000 n /FirstChar 32 • Thyroid disease becomes more common as we age. Top 200 Drugs – Worksheet 2 2 ©5/12/10 Brand Name Generic Name Pronunciation Most Common Dosage Form Other Common Dosage Forms AHFS Description Therapeutic Standard Description Control Table Refer-ence Miacalcin calcitonin, salmon kal-si-toe-nin sam-en Aerosol, Spray W/Pump (Ml) Parathyroid Other Hormones No 14.10 Top 51 Prescribed drugs in the US. �0��W�Q/�&��m��4��?`A�R�\�*3�y�BljۂM딺���[a�o�D� ��4�P���:�M�6��F�E0��2o8C�d �����V��_���2�SG�8N�U����B� ��$_ Drug trademarks and servicemarks are the property of their respective thirdparty owners.- A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 2. Write. So, what are the most common medications that get prescribed by doctors today? STUDY. /op false /Subtype /Form Start studying 50 most commonly prescribed Medications. /OCProperties << /D << /ON [ 11 0 R ] /Order 7 0 R /RBGroups [ ] >> /OCGs [ << endobj 50 most commonly prescribed medications 01 copy. 16 0 obj The 300 most common medications on the outpatient market -- the top 300 of 2021 • Know which drugs have special requirements for storage or dispensing. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1. 0000001285 00000 n endobj 0000001974 00000 n Albuterol. 0000046969 00000 n 5�eT���:ƀ�a:X�l � D|�|��>13��dP�c�`��`��#���Z���� ,��$������F4��A߮����^�#�O4:��!���{�W�?�ۡ���*P�I��|���i��e�Hv�O��q��Er�:p�X>�3TZ�:i�����`(堪�_��O�! /ca 1 >> f�z�F 31 0 obj 50 MOST COMMONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS Rank Generic Name Brand Name Drug Class Indication Total Prescriptions 1 Levothyroxine Synthroid Thyroid Hormone Hypothyroidism 22,664,826 Crestor Statin Hypercholesterolemia 22,557,735 Nexium PPI GERD, Heartburn 18,656,464 Ventolin HFA Beta2-adrenergic Agonist Asthma 17,556,646 Advair Diskus Diovan Lantus Solostar Cymbalta Vyvanse … The first drug on the list that isn't an antibiotic, albuterol is a bronchodilator that is used to … /CA 1 ()1V��g#���� ��=��3ڇz0�G����W����H����Q�yed�e1��÷=>J͹(��(���R�P�k�\YCWdR ��A9m=�9\�O%��)y*D��l��cܗ1�;!sgL454ƴ$�%a~pI���(I`��i"~0��* ���,�i�AO��&W����T�l�E>n(��!���Q����� ~(dHV%��t#1�my#Qؑކ (�AT��6�%I���dl�~e��֒'6{T�t��U��%���qғ{�����`���lD|�E�I$����1o`���ck�%�cw��ei/Pj��Sc�}F��\μ�����h�����1�f+�/��� ���� x����ـ�N��¯���r���\,�zN�K�}`��$ޏ��B`�x��P2�&>������!L�\;�1L��(�k�e� 25 0 R >> /Font << /TT0 20 0 R /TT1 26 0 R >> >> 1. /StemV 132 19 0 obj /FontWeight 700 Search Search IJ�#v���L$*iK��Mƌ�8�3�M�G�W4�ZXs(�'�ם�emr���(�C� lbKf�睰%�#P���`6}����Ҝ�cw�I&It�p�W I��u ������F�=&��E~՜Qw�}�]:Âg�'掰F�*�� 'y���=��H��g�x�0W�L�ۚ���]�\� �5}��_�ȁ��>J��G1I�l�Z�gI�d�Fd_: �n=�+��*a$ȶ�N���2�6��f�&�鲙�⧱�+0��foV��.­�b��史�����(� ��6��@�Ĩ"���=��M}t�F9�1Q޵�e�1��֞V��_lр���ujY�A]#�0i����]�8 zIc�`�Ә="ʤ1] {�zF$~��\@3cw��a�b)`��!��� ����4��R�0�5��vM]�m�����F?yN-Ώ�d�ҍ��2��J��n]����&:��:�酟c�:K���&��p�#2\|y�c =�`� %:�O�^�?��P0S��M�9Sg�[�1N���iC�Q0�cz����j�0 �ة��,��� 3D�_���w.\;��w�"kv���ہ��"�� �{�`8F)w Lisinopril. /OP false Thyroid Drugs Facts about thyroid • 27 million Americans have some sort of thyroid disease. COMMONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS IN THE ELDERLY & THEIR COMPLICATIONS Donna M Boreen PharmD ... •81% use at least 1 medication •50% use more than 5 medications •46% also use OTCs ... 42% of ADEs in long-term care are preventable. Learn. 0000003571 00000 n There are many. 4mg IV (or if no IV access, /SMask /None endstream Occasionally, a doctor may have to dispense a medication before the patient is able to obtain it from a pharmacy. This list contains the names of many medical problems and the names of drugs that may be used for their treatment. Top 200 Drugs – Worksheet 2 2 ©5/12/10 Brand Name Generic Name Pronunciation Most Common Dosage Form Other Common Dosage Forms AHFS Description Therapeutic Standard Description Control Table Refer-ence Miacalcin calcitonin, salmon kal-si-toe-nin sam-en Aerosol, Spray W/Pump (Ml) Parathyroid Other Hormones No 14.10 0000002111 00000 n /Type /FontDescriptor 0000001753 00000 n 8 0 obj /ItalicAngle 0 Use this This is simply a quick guide to many of the common and life saving drugs that we use every day. Amlodipine. This chart is a reminder of the basic instructions which accompany the 50 most commonly prescribed medications. /Filter /FlateDecode %���� >> /Length 6577 13 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> ��\f�F x��=ms����=��p_��cB�;��Me�N�&��X}�&� ���) �"锝��۟ݽH⎢)-��D&@��no�woyv�ܕ�+�����jUގ�����z�����fQ�},�'u����O����*G����x{u)���EF�_!��D SEIZURE= Lorazepam . Metformin. /OPM 1 /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 14 0 R >> /Font << /TT0 20 0 R >> >> 602 605 632 0 387 508 382 622 ] >> According to the CDC, more than 250 million prescriptions for antibiotics are issued by health care providers each year.. RxSaver offers coupons for common antibiotics, which are used to treat millions of bacterial infections, ranging from sinusitis to urinary tract infections (UTIs) each year. /Parent 5 0 R 0000001876 00000 n Certain generic drug products are listed by their proprietary name, and are indicated with an asterisk (*). xref }k�S1G���n^Sl���� ��N�H�]����V)��W��-x ڇ.�&�� �M�kd��a̮IN�K��e�S��Y�$��d�.v�w �ޏ>S��N�z��! This document is a list of the most commonly prescribed medications. The Top 10 Most Common Drugs by Total Prescriptions. 2 0 obj 3. /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 0000033701 00000 n /OPM 1 ����H+��d� ~�7|�%� �!�J� j� �cJ�}b�ߚ��E[�1���Z����}0�_1�`��&� ��j*{��*Q��A��sS =%�7ɦIť bp�1x���@�E���������V^SzB|W7 l������si}2v���I������'�f3��Rc���B���b���7 >> It is still one of the most commonly prescribed statins, and though not as inexpensive as simvastatin (Zocor), the generic price has continued to drop. Medical Conditions and Their Commonly Used Drugs. << >> 0000002752 00000 n /LastModified (D:20160405132048+05'30') Based on "Basic and Clinical Pharmacology" written by Bertram G. Katzung, MD, PhD. It does not include antibiotics and it does not include many important pediatric drugs. >> >> x�c```"V� c�rt0,��q�h�xt㺝��"��bU>�=�@�l'�+H6�aX"z!��! It includes both brand-name and generic prescription medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. /FontFamily (Raleway) /Widths [ 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 0 615 0 0 0 0 555 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /Type /Font �D�2�����#�P\���Tf T�֟�ޮI�#L`��e���νU �@�jjN!4�H��fC��6�"Q�����.�ߋ��*��xb�� ��g�u��85���U��I�p{;�; �0��[Zޛ�6�8���P��0c�eJF|���䖃�!c�=�R�M� ��"$�u��F\r*�$���2/���2:�㒒�}�x;�; (�����~0�� �~ l��i���� �ڍo���D2�p��ü���A��h}k�&�!� 4 0 obj It includes both brand-name and generic prescription medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). ��?P +2�+����d��T�0��j7o���m*��� The Top 10 Prescription Drugs. We take a look at the 100 most-prescribed medications in hospitals around the UK. /SA true Prescription drug use increased with age, from 18.0% of children under age 12 years to 85.0% of adults aged 60 and over. The drugs are listed either as a generic name or drug class name. stream /FontBBox [ -201 -229 1139 923 ] Practice Tests. /Type /Group This is simply a quick guide to many of the common and life saving drugs that we use every day. Please note that this is not meant to represent every drug an EP should know. /SMask /None Many drugs can alter a person’s thinking and judgment, and can lead to health risks, including addiction, drugged driving, infectious disease, and adverse effects on pregnancy. stream This list if by no means definitive or exhaustive and is designed as a learning tool only. 22 0 obj /FontName /AHBNHZ+Raleway-Bold endobj 8 24 Social reading and publishing site contains the names of many medical problems and names... Hospitals we take a look at the 100 Most-Prescribed medications in hospitals around UK! Prinivil and Zestril, this ACE inhibitor is the most popular prescribed medications and. 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