
uncontrollable urge to stretch at night

Nocturia: This symptom is characterized by the need to get up and urinate at least two times each night. Tramadol is an evil drug Its the one nearest to Heroin. Restless leg syndrome symptoms usually occur at night while a person is resting or sleeping. It might work for you. The symptom combination of frequency, urge and nocturia (being woken up at night to urinate) that do not have any medical reason for their occurrence is known as Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB). Other medical issues that can produce similar symptoms are fibromyalgia and nerve-related disorders. Diarrhea can cause worsened bowel incontinence because it is more difficult to retain … Discover causes, home remedies, and more here. The nerves can be affected by neuropathies caused by vitamin b deficiency, diabetes or even due to old age. Urge incontinence: In this case, there can be a leakage of urine when you get the urge to urinate. Even at night, people with Parkinson's disease can be faced with unpleasant symptoms that make quality sleep difficult to come by. I normally get up and have a warm drink and a couple of co codamol. An overactive bladder can be caused by several things, or even a combination of causes. I feel your frustration as I get this as well. It's a bit of a late of a reply but I've had something similar for a long time, the only way i found to stop the urge for the night is to excercise the area for a while. My GP gave me quinine sulphate 300mg which helped for a long while but then it has come creeping back. I'm get worried that I may pull or tear something inside. I noticed my constant urges to stretch my mucles were on nights that i had a meal with white rice. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately. This usually happens at bedtime but can occur during other times when your legs are inactive. arms, hands fingers recommend microfiber body pillows. I have had it for a week and I'm already losing it . A condition called nocturia is different. I have had EMG testing done on my legs with zero results showing anything wrong.. i take sleeping pill called ambien, which worked like nothing other.. lately my DEEP arm pain awakens me leaving Me wide awake .. i just want to sleep normally again .. iam 32 and cant imagine another 30 years (god willing) of this nightmare phantom pain and urge.. this annoying and life changing pain forever looms in shadow. I’ve found these things help, but don’t always solve it: *child’s pose (from yoga) for 3-4 min til my legs start to tingle a bit (only helps after the pose, not during...but works really well usually! Hi justice11, have you found a solution after all those years? God help us all. If I focus hard enough I can stop it, but the constant urge to twitch and snap my neck when I'm anxious is unbearable, which only makes me even more anxious. Include any supplements you take in your medications list. I’ve had this on and off for a couple years now, and it goes in phases of weeks at a time where it happened every night (to varying degrees). Be aware of warning signs associated with nighttime leg issues. Read our doctor-reviewed health article and learn how to treat PLMD. Sometimes during the day and night (when i'm trying to sleep) i have an uncontrollable urge to stretch my left leg. I usually yawn with my mouth open, but these caused my teeth to clench. I only find pain relief medications to work, but not completely. RLS in young people is often first thought to be “growing pains,” and not a real condition that should be treated. Other conditions that can cause weak legs and a need to stretch are overexertion that occurs from too much physical activity over a short time, over-stimulation before bedtime and excessive stress. It stopped when I got up. I had this when I took 2 tylanol (those blue painkiller things). Doctors think it may be due to: I did this maybe 2 dozen times. I know everyone is different. One new symptom that is worrying me is that when I wake up in the middle of the night and I am half asleep I feel agitated and I have this uncontrollable urge to stretch my legs which I end up doing. Restless legs syndrome typically causes an overwhelming urge to move your legs and an uncomfortable sensation in your legs. See All Conditions. Since i usually get it in my arms i just do a few sets of press ups and I'm fine for the night. I changed my diet accordingly and for the last 6 months I have gone without white rice. Sudden urge to urinate. I used to get this in phases. However if it doesn't, I hope you find a remedy. Examples of uncontrollable movements are: Loss of muscle tone (flaccidity) Slow, twisting, or continued movements (chorea, athetosis, or dystonia) Sudden jerking movements (myoclonus, ballismus) Uncontrollable repetitive movements … Anyone else experiencing this. Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) can cause twitching and restlessness at night. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Hello, Constant urge to stretch all the time is usually due to a neurological problem - the nerves are irritable and stretching relaxes them. night Hips knees, legs, ankles. This was very weird. One of the most frequent causes of weak-feeling legs and the feeling of needing to constantly stretch them during the night is restless leg syndrome, which is a condition with an unknown etiology 1. This can cause difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. I want to wish you all the best of luck and I sincerely hope that you can find the answers that you so desperately desire and deserve. I’m exhausted because it wakes me up almost every night. Part of it is that my feet and legs go numb if I sit one way too long. I went off them recently for no other reason but laziness and these symptoms have come flooding back! I have been told quinine should help so bought some flavoured tonic water as I don’t like plain one haven’t tried yet. Here's how you ceop with it! Im sorry to sound harsh, but unless you suffer from RLS you cant fathom the uncontrollable painful urge to stretch .. mine started in my legs.. now my arms are solely suffering from this relentless annoying discomfort.. i have been on ambien for 5 years to stay asleep through the night and avoid the pain and urge to stretch or move.. never imagined this awful feeling could begin in my arms too. She has worked with various clients including many Fortune 500 companies such as Pinkerton Inc. She has written for many publications including Woman's World, Boy's Life and Dark Horizons. The first sensation of the urge to urinate occurs when approximately 200 ml (just under 1 cup) of urine is stored. I don't want to go on meds. One of the most frequent causes of weak-feeling legs and the feeling of needing to constantly stretch them during the night is restless leg syndrome, which is a condition with an unknown etiology 1. I'm not sure if it's relevant but I had a sist on the same leg. I thought this may help you, check your iron storage. Stretching before bed is one of the best ways to release that built up tension and get the best night’s sleep you’ve had in a while. It used to be only in my legs and now it moved to my arms and hands in a more severe way :') im really not comfortable and I cant sleep at night! Possibly due to my lack of minerals including magnesium and dehydration on this diet. I still get it on certain nights (slight muscle pain) but never as bad as when I've had white rice. At night, you should practice a bedtime ritual that could include stretching, massage, meditation and a warm bath. I have a very uncomfortable problem that thankfully does NOT happen every night.. my legs will get a uncontrollable need to stretch.. during movement it gives temporary relief. And also stretching muscles gently before going to bed (with heat applied to help make easier to stretch, such as microwaveable wheat bag applied to warm muscles before stretching)? It’s usually worse after days I’ve done a lot of exercise, and during weeks of heightened stress. This always results in severe painful cramping of my right leg which incidentally was the leg I suffered sciatica with last year. Hope you feel better soon xx, Has anyone figgered out why we do what we do? Most people know to stretch before and after exercise, or in the morning to energize themselves, but there’s actually a ton of reasons to stretch before bed as well. Also I have this weird tic where I twitch my nose. Worse in my hands. A healthy nervous system will respond to this stretching sensation by alerting you to the urge to urinate, while also allowing the bladder to continue to fill. *at 5:00 AM while involuntarily stretching my legs I drift in and out of sleep while shifting from sleeping on my stomach to my back to my side. It's awful worst feeling ever. Just wondering if anyone found relief for this? Schedule a visit with your doctor if your leg symptoms continue past two or three days. ), *decreasing stress levels (<~ takes a few days, not just one day of rest). Take a list of all the medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, you take to provide to your health provider. That seems the only medication that works for my legs, I usually have tramadol for pain but it doesn't seem to have any affect when I have restless legs. It is common to experience weaknesses and discomfort in your legs at night. I wish you luck trying to find a cure. Moving eases the unpleasant feeling temporarily.Restless legs syndrome, now known as restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease (RLS/WED), can begin at any age and generally worsens as you age. But part of the problem is that I just feel the urge to stretch … Several issues can lead to these symptoms. Need to go the bathroom more often or at night; There are two types of overactive bladder: Dry. and off) is HUGE urge to move my legs and feet or sometimes arms and hands, stretch them, squeeze... so worn down and fed up with the constant pain in my legs and the constant flexing of my feet trying. It was almost always in my legs and ankles and now has impacted my arms and wrists. RLS produces the incessant desire to move the legs, especially when reclining at night. Worst feeling ever my rhemo doc really helped me with this put me on amtripyline this helps with sleeping and the restless parts of my body. I never noticed that other people don't do that until I read this. It all started after a surgery 6 months ago. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder in which uncomfortable leg sensations create an uncontrollable urge to move your legs. The feeling is rigt behind my knee and it keeps me from falling asleep. typical body aches coming on, so I take my pain meds. Hope this helps, I also have I think the same my legs sometimes it happens and I can walk when I get up but lately how it goes is I get work up by a severe pain in the back of my leg and knee It only hurts a minute but it's the worse pain then comes the fact that when I get up my legs hurt so bad just as I am replying to your post I am unable to walk at all or it hurts and i have to some how get a ibuprofen to get it not as painful so can get it moving again also it happens when it wants Its not all the time but it's sometimes 1 or 2 times a month or 1 every so months I just know when it does it is the most painful time. This causes the desire to constantly stretch and test your legs, which inhibits a restful sleep. A distinct aspect of RLS is that symptoms get worse at night but are absent in the early morning, and better sleep may occur during that time. This was my first time taking tylanol and I had the incredible urge to stretch my legs that kept me awake for hours. The severity ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that's so sudden and strong you don't get to a toilet in time.Though it occurs more often as people get older, urinary incontinence isn't an inevitable consequence of aging. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common symptom combinations and medical conditions related to sudden urge to urinate. Do compression gloves help and when during the day or at night in bed try anything cannot even pull the covers up the pain is unreal. Me too I've had this for yrs, I can't lay in bed when I have it and have to walk about in bedroom for hrs. It is so annoying, it only normally happens when people tell me to stop fidgeting or I get really comfy. I usually have this during spring and summer. The symptoms of RLS tend to worsen during the early evening and become severe during the night. Is there a cure? It is driving me insane have you been able to get rid of it and why do we have this if we tell this to the doctor they look at us as if we are weird. Weird feeling in body. What causes overactive bladder? You might also be experiencing the effects of poor circulation in the limbs that might be the result of diabetes. I have pasted you a link to the NHS Choices cache on RLS Treatments, so I hope that there is something useful for you on there: NHS Choices - Restless Leg Syndrome Treatments. If urinary incontinence affects your daily activities, … Other potential causes are nerve damage, muscle damage, rectal prolapse or a rectocele, a condition in which a woman's rectum protrudes through her vagina. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually because of an uncomfortable sensation. They are involuntary and uncontrollable. After advise from others who had been on it I stopped taking them and all my symptoms disappeared. I did notice that I fidget a lot in meetings though. According to The New York Times Health Guide, coldness and paleness of the limbs can signal something is wrong as well 2. Benefits of Stretching Before Bed I think I have the same problem as you. If its the same thing... have no choice but to stretch effected areas, hard to explain, horrible and only during the night. Most people stretch after waking up because muscles and joints have been stiff for a long time. This is the most awful feeling! Most nights it's completely impossible to sleep. They are often seized by an uncontrollable urge to move their legs, their legs actually twitch or jerk, and they experience the sensation of something squirming or wiggling under their skin. I have a very uncomfortable problem that thankfully does NOT happen every night.. my legs will get a uncontrollable need to stretch.. during movement it gives temporary relief. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. I'm an adult, but yes, I have had these full-body stretches at night! Every time I moved I had an uncontrollable full body stretch - the kind that you usually do once or twice, straight out with arms above your head, and that feels so good in the morning.. Each time it was accompanied by a yawn. I also do this weird thing where I blink my eyes really tight, which makes it very apparent to people that know me that I'm anxious :( I'm not sure what the neurologist will say but hopefully they can help me resolve the issue. Another cause for the need to stretch is cramps in the muscles which may be due to electrolyte deficiency, calcium deficiency or even dehydration. Who knows? Ever tried taking sleeping calms? Only last year did I keep a diary for everything I ate, from it, I discovered that on the days my meals included white rice - I would have this constant urge to stretch my muscles and never a good night sleep. I have to stretch my back, change positions, etc. I have noticed some relief however when I take a multivitamin regularly. I do think getting up and moving about helps as well. I don't know if this is an iron deficiency related issue or something else, but would love to hear if regular vitamins work for anyone else? You try to stretch it out as you say, and I try stretching my arms and fingers too, but the relief is only temporary isn't it? I hope to find reason for this, but for now I steer clear of this dish. Sleep in socks if your feet tend to get cold or lower the temperature in the room in you get too warm in bed. In children, some of the most common causes of involuntary movements are: hypoxia, or insufficient oxygen at the time of birth kernicterus, which is … thank god I found people talking about this online, because I thought no one understood me! I took it again the second night, same thing. One of the most frequent causes of weak-feeling legs and the feeling of needing to constantly stretch them during the night is restless leg syndrome, which is a condition with an unknown etiology 1. Uncontrollable urge to shake and move waking me up at night.? You may have a strong urge to have a bowel movement and not be able to control it. In many cases, there is no known specific cause of restless arm syndrome. Contact medical assistance as soon as possible if any of these events occur or if your condition worsens over time, even though you have followed a physician's recommendations and employed home-care methods. Why aches in my legs and feet only at night? 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