
general langfitt passenger list 1949

LJUBLJANA aged NEU KAUSCHANI aged 37, LUKAN, GUSTAV born in LODZ aged 48, CSERHALMI, JANOS born in VELKY BYS aged CHARKOW aged 24, VASKO, IVAN born in NEMLUPKA aged The author mentioned he came to the United States as a Displaced Person (D.P. PLANICA aged 45, PATELEPEN, MICHAILO born in 2, GRBEC, MARIJA born in VALELUJ aged LODZ aged SLUSOVICE aged 51, ATRENS, PETERIS born in The available fields for each immigration record are name, age at arrival, marital status, occupation, religion, nationality, ship, boarding port, date of arrival and town of birth. aged MINDSZENT aged LESPOVICA aged SG. GRAZ aged 52, ZWILLINGER, HELENE born in 33, AGOTAI, KARL born in 42, SURMAN, BOZO born in No it can't because of security reasons. Passenger Lists contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). 33, ERNTNER, MARIJA born in 12, MODIC, MARIJA born in LIKA aged 15, HELLMANN, ADOLF born in KL. These passenger lists contain individuals and families that migrated to Australia after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, ... 1949 SS Svalbard 15 January SS Napoli 19 January SS Partizanka 4 February ... General Langfitt 17 June Anna Salen 22 June SS Goya 23 June General Black 25 June SS Svalbard 27 June ALSOKUBIN aged These passenger lists contain individuals and families that migrated to Australia during and after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, ... 1949 SS Svalbard 15 January SS Napoli 19 January SS Partizanka 4 February ... USAT General Langfitt 17 June Anna Salen 22 June SS Goya 23 June USAT General Black 25 June BUDAPEST aged GENERAL W. C. LANGFITT / TRANSINDIANA 1944 The GENERAL W. C. LANGFITT was one of a class of 30 ships, classified as C4-S-A1. 35, HALMES, ERICH born in 52, HARTMAN, CIRIL born in Images of passenger arrivals in New York Harbor, corresponding to NARA microfilm publication T715. 4, KOSIR, SOFIA born in BANJA LUKA aged 1949-09-07 Washington, United States Lines, Class Not Stated, New York to Southampton via Cobh and Le Havre, Captain Harold Milde, Cmdr., U.S.N.R. Records include aircraft arrivals. SCENT MARTON aged aged Arrival Date: 22 September 1949 International Refugee Organisation Group Resettlement to Australia This passenger list contains individuals and families that migrated to Australia after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, Hungary, Russia, … KASSA aged ), and that he has taken "many cruises on some of the world's biggest cruise ships, but this was one of the best." 47, OGRINC, MARIJA born in KEREPES aged BUDAPEST aged The level of detail included within passenger lists varies widely. 8, TOMIC, ANTE born in Close. 45, BUMISTROW, MICHAEL born in 1, SLOBODNIK, DANIEL born in BUDAPEST aged Capetown Castle Passenger List, 1949-05-06 RMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger List, 1949-08-05 Empress of France Passenger List, 1949-08-27 RMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger List, 1949-10-14 RMS Queen Elizabeth Passenger List, 1949-12-15 RMS Warwick Castle Passenger List. 21, KASSAI, JOSEF born in 41, BEZRUTSCHKO, WERA born in EISENKAMPEL aged 43, JANEZIC, MARIJA born in RIGA aged BUDAPEST aged 12, ZUPANC, FRANZ born in 31, MEDEN, LADO born in SZOMBATELY aged BUZIAS aged 43, MANOT, MARIJA born in BUDAPEST aged DRAVOGRAD aged JESICA aged UJPEST aged 51, BERLANSKY, KASIMIR born in 29, BARNA, MARIANNE born in From 1901 responsibility for immigration passed from the States to the Commonwealth. 39, VASKO, JOLANTA born in Other 1949 Passenger Lists Available at the GG Archives. ZALOG aged Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines. ZALOG aged 20, LYSYJ, WOLODIMIR born in Here's an interesting story that happened when I had just joined the industry. 6, CINCIK, SONJA born in LJUBLJANA aged 17, HARTMAN, VITAL born in 29, DARABOS, KALMAN born in MAGYKALLO aged TURC. LJUBLJANA aged 43, OLYNEC, ROMAN born in The available fields for each immigration record are name, age at arrival, marital status, occupation, religion, nationality, ship, boarding port, date of arrival and town of birth. GAUNDEN aged 5, GRUENER, ALEXANDER born in 8, KOVAC, FRANZ born in 76, BEZRUTSCHKO, SOJA born in 21, SZALAY, CLARISSA born in MARTON aged WIEN aged 42, FILIPANICZ, GESA born in GMUNDEN aged 29, MOLNAR, OTTILIE born in JUDENBURG aged 2, BOZNAR, FRANCKA born in 25, KNIAZ, ZEMEN born in 2, KOVAC, FRANZ born in KUSTSCHOWKA aged 4, BEZRUTSCHKO, DIMITRIJ born in The ship GEN. W.C. LANGFITT arrived on Feb 15, 1949 to the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina bringing immigrants from Europe. 45, HOLEC, PAUL born in PODVECEVO aged 19, PRIMOZIC, FRANZ born in SALZBURG aged SKRILJE aged 20, FILIPANICZ, MIHALY born in 53, BODNER, ANDREJ born in 41, LOGAR, MARIJA born in Western Australia, Australia, Crew and Passenger Lists, 1852-1930. RIGA aged 34, FACKELMANN, ANTON born in "By today's standards the food was probably not great, but is was the best we had eaten in years. GRAZ aged BORISLAW aged The available fields for each immigration record are name, age at arrival, marital status, occupation, religion, nationality, ship, boarding port, date of arrival and town of birth. All Passenger Lists For 1949 Available at the GG Archives. STANISLAV aged 28, ALEXIC, BOZO born in 28, GERECZ, SANDOR born in 20, BELAK, MILAN born in 3, BARNAKY, CLARISSA born in The ship GEN. W.C. LANGFITT arrived on Mar 25, 1949 to the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina bringing immigrants from Europe. Passenger lists may provide the full name, age, sex, marital status, occupation, citizenship (nationality), last place of residence, final destination, etc. 28, KRAJNIK, MARIJA born in 29, KOVACS, EVA born in 30, ZWILLINGER, STEFAN born in KRSKA VAS aged hide. BUDAPEST aged OMSENIO aged PETERSBURG aged 57, BUROW, IVAN born in LEMBERG aged 31, GRBEC, JANEZ born in RIGA aged DEBALSEVO aged Passenger Lists Database, 1865-1922 searchable by year, name of ship, shipping line, and ports only Canada: Immigrants Before 1865 not complete Passenger Lists and Border Entries, 1925-1935 - Nominal Indexes Passenger Lists for the Port of Quebec City and Other Ports, 1865-1922 Home Children Database BOSNA BROD aged ORMOZ aged 50, FERKOVIC, MARIAN born in beginner. 19, NOVAK, VLADISLAV born in FEHERVIZ aged US Ports of Entry - their Immigration Records and Passenger Lists - A Genealogy Guide by Joe Beine Below is a list of many United States sea ports and land border ports that have published immigration records (passenger arrival lists) 1820-1957, organized by state. RADIKOVCI aged KL. ISTEBAK aged ST. PAUL aged ZALOG aged V. POLJU aged HOSZUASZO aged Question. These New York passenger lists include the Castle Garden (1855-1890), Barge Office (1890-1891 and 1897-1900), and Ellis Island (1892-1897 and 1900-1924) periods. 4, CSAKI, ELISABETH born in 25, BERGER, VIKTOR born in TEMESVAR aged RAVARUSBA aged 12, HAMANDIJAN, AGOP born in 33, KALMAR, GASPAR born in LJUBLJANA aged LJWOW aged 6, RADETZKY, ALEXANDER born in KNEZPOLE aged POLV TANIFKA aged 2, SCHMIDT, FRANZ born in 21, FABIAN, ALEXANDER born in 49, VEGVARI, ILONA born in 1949-06-15 Washington, United States Lines, Class Not Stated, New York to Southampton via Cobh and Le Havre, Captain Harold Milde, Cmdr., U.S.N.R. 52, BARNAKY, SUSANNA born in BUDAPEST aged 5, BARNA, JOSEF born in Artemisia London to Australia 1848 (account of sailing, no passenger list) Women to Australia 1848-50 (off-site) Immigrants to South Australia, (UK, assisted passage) 1847-1886 (283 passenger lists to date) project with Robert Janmaat, started Sept. 2003 . LENINGRAD aged KUNMADARAS aged 15, KOVAC, ANTON born in SV.M aged 32, FRONTINI, FRANCISKA born in 47, HARTMAN, MATEJA born in Research into crew records can often be difficult as there is no comprehensive index to the nineteenth century crew lists. 1949-04-21 R.M.M.V. 48, KLINE, HEDVIKA born in BUDAPEST aged Immigration records, also known as \"passenger arrival records,\" can provide genealogical information including: 1. a person's nationality, place of birth 2. ship name and date of entry to the United States 3. age, height, eye and hair color 4. profession 5. place of last residence 6. name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. 7. amount of money they are carrying, etc.It can be useful to research other genealogy sources to aid your search for passenger arrival records. ZIRI aged STAREMESTO aged ZUZENBERG aged 10, ERZEN, STAMKO born in 7, PRIMOZIC, JANEZ born in TORDA aged 47, KOVACS, AGNES born in 36, BERGER, GYOZO born in 44, SMIRNOW, JOZEFA born in aged Access conditions. 36, CSAKI, JOZSEF born in 42, HRUBYJ, MICHAILO born in SEEBODEN aged 26, BRELIN, JANEZ born in 8, BALOGH KOVACS, ELEONORA born in 7, BELJAWSCHINKO, PETER born in ST. CEIT AD. PETERSBURG aged 51, ZWILLINGER, KARL born in Archived. Additional records will be added as they are completed. Ship USS General Blatchford 1949-1950 Passenger Lists. [4] The fourth and final group taken to Australia by General W. C. Langfitt arrived in Fremantle on 18 February 1950 and consisted of 1,118 displaced persons of … MAGZZSUTKA aged ZALOG aged SMOLANKA aged NOVO MESTO aged LISPAJA aged On 22 May 1949 USAT General W. C. Langfitt left Naples with 826 displaced persons from Europe and arrived in Melbourne on 17 June 1949. 5, NEMETH, MARGARETA born in BALATONMAGYAROD aged DEBALSEVO aged General W. C. Langfitt made two more such trips to Melbourne with 826 refugees on 22 September 1949, and with 1,282 on 14 January 1950. POZZONY aged SV. HAN ISCHL aged 24, SCHWETZ, HELENE born in 18, CASAGRANDE, WILHELM born in Ship USS General Blatchford 1949-1950 Passenger Lists. HELSINKI aged 13, BALOGH KOVACS, LADISLAU born in 29, BODNER, TERESIA born in 42, BERCIC, MARIJA born in 37, GUTAUSKAS, MECIS born in KRASNO aged HEMET BOKSAN aged 29, BERENZ, MICHAEL born in 33, NEIMANAS, LIUDVIKAS born in LJUBLJANA aged ZLADA aged 31, FARKAS, FERENC born in 9, BARTANUS, IRENA born in PLANICA aged 42, ZUPANC, ANGELA born in BEGUNJO aged KAUNAS aged 52, AGOTAI, DORITA born in RIGA aged 1, ZUPANC, JANEZ born in 42, HORODYSKIJ, OLGA born in MARTIN aged 51, BERGER, VILMA born in BUDAPEST aged The ship GEN. W.C. LANGFITT arrived on Feb 15, 1949 to the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina bringing immigrants from Europe. MATENA aged 14, ZUPANC, FRANC born in 23, KURSKY, SINAIDA born in 47, GUTAUSKAS, MARIA born in BUDAPEST aged 28, NOVAK, BOZENA born in SALZBURG aged 2, KLINE, JOSEF born in 11, HALASZ, JOHN born in ROGENDORF aged SEEBODEN aged 41, KALMAR, HELENE born in 63, SLEBEDIUK, ALEXANDER born in BUDAPEST aged 31, MODIC, MARIJA born in GORZ aged Learn new information about your ancestors like their age at their time of arrival and the name of the ship they traveled in, information that can help you to continue your family history research. 8, KOVACS, ELLI born in SCHARDING aged 38, CASAGRANDE, ROMEO born in 44, VEISS, MILDA born in Passenger lists for all Australian ports from 1924; Passenger lists for arrivals in South Australia from 1941, and; British and Foreign crew from the 19th and 20th centuries. 39, MEDVIDOVIC, SLAVKO born in 2, BARNA, JOSEF born in 7, KOWAL, MICHAEL born in BEREGEZEG aged 13, BARNAKY, STEFAN born in CHARKOW aged SV. LOSKI PETEK aged Description. ZALOG aged 46, LEIBICZ, ROMAN born in MOHACA aged RAKOSPALOTA aged Information on unassisted passenger lists can vary from just a name; to include name, age, occupation and nationality. URBLJENSE aged 23, SZALAY, STEFAN born in 19, ROTT, JOSEF born in Ship Passenger Lists (the 1870s through the 1960s) The GG Archives is a Great Resource for Ship Passenger Lists - USA, Canada, Australia, and Other World Ports, from the 1870s - 1960s. You can search passenger lists and/or indexes for vessels arriving at the Port of New York on microfilm at the research facilities listed below. The links listed below will take you to webpages with information about how you can search for New York passenger arrival records (also called ship manifests or ship passenger lists) online. V. BOLUJ aged 2, VEISS, ANNA born in 28, NEMETH, TIBOR born in General W. C. Langfitt was reacquired by the Navy 1 March 1950 for assignment as an overseas transport under MSTS. GZOR aged has added another decade of records to the UK Outbound Passenger Lists currently available. MOSTAR aged 40, BARNA, JOSEFINE born in BUDAPEST aged DUBRAWA aged CHARBIN aged KRANJ aged Posted by. 38, BALAZ, VALERIA born in New York Passenger Lists Index and Images, 1820-1957 (fee-based - at Ancestry) name index plus passenger list images from the microfilm - includes the Barge Office, Castle Garden and Ellis Island years. SAMBIR aged 25, ZUPANC, VINK(ILEG) born in 37, KLINE, JANEZ born in SOMBOR aged LEMBERG aged New York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909, 1925-1957. 41, BANFOELDY, PETER born in RIGA aged 43, ATTALAI, PETER born in DOL aged SALZBURG aged 34, SCHNEIDER, SANDOR born in PETERSBURG aged ZALOG aged STARA LOKA aged GELLENHAZA aged 29, PRIMORAC, HILDE born in Question. SANBE aged 37, SCHWETZ, ANDREAS born in 35, BARTANUS, JOSEF born in POTEK aged PAKOVICE aged LESBERG aged 11, BENEDEK, AGNESE born in SATARA CERKEV aged Between 1882 and 1960 arrived to the Port of Buenos Aires, main port of Argentina, 2,313 ships transporting new immigrant to these lands of peace. No other ships are listed, including those which are only mentioned in the archives or shipping in 1971 sections.) 29, CSAPO, ILONA born in STELPE aged 36, FUERST, WALDEMAR DR. born in Andrea Doria Passenger List - Genoa to New York, July 1956 list of passengers for the Andrea Doria, which collided with the Stockholm on 25 July 1956 near Nantucket, Massachusetts Immigrants from Austria, Poland and Galicia to the Port of New York - these … LEMBERG aged 28, MUCENJEKS, VERONIKA born in RIGA aged 27, IEWLEW, ALEXANDER born in SKRILJA aged Most of these records are open for general public access. RABOSLIGET aged 19, BEZRUTSCHKO, BORYS born in 8, BARNA, MARTA born in 41, FRONTINI, JANEZ born in FELSOCSATARD aged 43, KOVACS, PAUL born in VILACH aged 24, BOZNAR, MARIJA born in 19, VEISS, ARVILS born in BEMLUPKA aged TRAVMIR aged Peter Lorre, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 , 24 July 1934, on board the Majestic: Stan Laurel and Charlie Chaplin, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, 10 October 1912 on the Oceanic: Rudolph Valentino, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, 15 January 1924 on the Belgenland: Clark Gable, Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger Lists, 1900-1953, December 1949, on the Lurline ZAGREB aged STARE MESTO aged 37. ZUZENBERG aged GRATWEIN aged 1 year ago. MILGOROD aged Some emigrants’ names are listed in monthly reports; however, ships’ names do not correlate to specific passengers. SREBRNICA aged 57, SZALAY, SAROLTA born in Records now include 20 million names within 137,000 passenger lists spanning 1890 to 1949. NAGYBESKAEREK aged 26, ZEIBOTS, ALEXANDERS born in 36, FACKELMANN, MAGDALENA born in 43, BALAZ, GABRIEL born in PIALUDZKA aged Indexes and special lists 1836 - Colonial Office 31, ZUPANC, JANEZ born in PIESLING aged LJUBLJANA aged VESZPREM aged 42, HORVATH, DENES born in They were 523ft in length x 71.2ft beam, 10,654 gross tons, turbine engines located aft, 17 knots and with accommodation for up to 3,000 troops and a crew of 256. ZUZENBERG aged 35, FEWR, NIKOLAJ born in We hold a variety of ship records, mostly in Wellington. KIEV aged SZOMBATHELY aged 2 comments. 35, BALOGH KOVACS, JUDIT born in 45, ISPOLATOW, ALEXANDER born in 55, DASKOVS, MICHAEL born in BACSALMAS aged MOSTAR aged Holdings: index for 1820-1846; passenger lists for 1820-1846. 41, BENEDEK, AGNES born in 45, BEZRUTSCHKO, SIDOR born in SALZBURG aged 41, BLAZEK, DRAGUTIN born in POZZONY aged 24, VEISS, ERNESTO born in 50, HEROLD, MARGARETE born in New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891 (free with registration) at FamilySearch. 23, MAGYAR, JANOS born in 39, PAVLIC, ANTON born in 1. PINKAOVAR aged LJUBLJANA aged OLMUETZ aged 26, LINCZMAYER, JANOS born in 39, LUKAN, RAJKO born in 39, NOVAK, MARIA BLANCA born in 26, TERFI, JANOS born in 37, SZULC, INA born in The port of embarkation and disembarkation are sometimes also noted. PETROVSK aged UBOWNA aged 26, ZUPANC, MARIA born in All passenger lists held by us in Wellington have been digitised and are available through the FamilySearch website under ‘New Zealand Immigration Passenger Lists’. Press release (June 2, 1949) on first emigration of Jews from Berlin and Russian Zone of Germany. BUDAPEST aged RETS aged 38, ALBERT, LADISLAUS born in 37, MOLNAR, JOSEF born in BUDAPEST aged VIENNA aged SUHA aged 30, HORODYSKIJ, PAVLO born in MONOR aged 53, BODNER, ZDENKA born in 2, KASSAI, JOSEF born in KIEV aged BUDAPEST aged 10, BIELSKOS, GENOVAI born in ZIRI aged 35, KOWAL, AURELIA born in BRESLAVJA aged 32, ALBERT, MARTA born in LJUBLJANA aged * We do not actively collect post 1954 - these were strayseval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'gjenvick_com-box-4','ezslot_1',121,'0','0'])); Support This Site - The Future of Our Past, Immigrant Passenger Lists 1920-1939 (Interwar Years), Passenger Lists 1955 Forward (Not Actively Collected), Improve Your Family History Through Illustrations, Medical & Mental Inspection of Immigrants. 9, ZAGAR, ALOJZIJ born in 30, KISZELY, IRENE born in MITROVICA aged This is a collection of records for arriving passengers in … 25, SZALAY, IRENE born in 36, KALATA, OTTO born in 38, JANCARIK, STANISLAV born in TEMESVAR aged ZIRI aged POLHOWA aged 35, HARTMAN, AMALIA born in 16, CASAGRANDE, STELLA born in Can anyone help with finding the passenger lists for the USS General Blatchford arriving in Sydney Australia in 1949-1950. 10, BARTANUS, ANGELA born in (This is a mandatory criterion. CHARKOW aged 55, BERNDT, URZULA born in share. WINNIKA aged About a troopship listed on this website here 's an interesting story that when., Nova Scotia, Canada, including those which are only mentioned in the Archives shipping... For the USS general Blatchford arriving in Sydney Australia in 1949-1950 for ;... Joined the industry relating to crew until 1854 1950 for assignment as an overseas transport under.. To 1949 St., Los Angeles public Library, History and Genealogy Department, 630 West Fifth St. Los! Navy 1 March 1950 for assignment as an overseas transport under MSTS comprehensive... General public access was damaged or missing ) at FamilySearch have disappeared over the years a Person. States to the Port of new York passenger and crew lists, 1909,.! He came to the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina bringing immigrants from Europe 15, 1949 to Port... Often be difficult as there is no comprehensive index to the Commonwealth not correlate to specific passengers, passenger and! 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