The Biology of Wellbeing (Elena and Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown, WMS): In this session we will explore how individual genetic differences may impact on wellbeing and how an understanding of these differences may provide the blueprint for ensuring optimal wellbeing. Some theories of well-being in philosophy and in psychology define people’s well-being in psychological terms. A person can enjoy mental health regardless of whether or not they are diagnosed with a mental illness if they have a positive sense of self, personal and social support with which to respond to life’s challenges, meaningful relationships with others, access to employment and recreation activities, sufficient financial resources and suitable living arrangements. Six grand theories in mental health and psychology, often used in guiding mental health research, are explored here. Therefore, although antipsychotic medication affects dopamine levels and can be an effective treatment to manage the symptoms of schizophrenia, this does not provide evidence that elevated dopamine levels caused the disorder. Theories of subjective wellbeing (SWB) adopt a hedonic approach and define wellbeing as a subjective experience of happiness or satisfaction with life [24,25,26]. Various subjective factors influence whether human behaviour is perceived as normal or abnormal. The unconscious nature of Freud’s concepts and stages renders them difficult to test and therefore there is little evidence to support Freudian theory. Also known as psychobiology or the neuroscience perspective, the biomedical model asserts that, Among treatments that emerge from the biomedical model are medications that alter the function, production and reabsorbtion of neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap. The Queensland Mental Health Act 2000, for example, identifies the purpose of this legislation as ‘providing treatment and protection of persons who have a mental illness’ which is [vaguely] defined as ‘any illness or disorder of the mind’ (Queensland Government 2000). Recognition of social determinants is evident in the United Kingdom Health Development Agency’s guidelines for mental health promotion, which aim to: The emergence of a definition of mental health that encompasses positive constructs, not just the absence of symptoms, is important because it enables mental health and mental illness to be viewed as distinct from each other, and not as two points at opposite ends of a continuum. These theories deal only with observable behaviors. Feminists, too, object to Freud’s interpretation of the psychological development of women, arguing that there is scant evidence to support the hypothesis that women view their bodies as inferior to men’s because they do not have a penis (Alloy et al 2005). We will consider critiques of the wellbeing agenda and challenge conventional narratives of success and wellness. We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Log In or, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). Sigmund Freud developed the first psychological explanation of human behaviour—psychoanalytic theory—in the late nineteenth century. Though these are very common, mental health is a bigger concept that relates to overall wellbeing. However, this change is nominal because the content of worldwide legislation continues to be concerned with mental illness (Ministry of Health New Zealand 2000; New South Wales Government 2006, United Kingdom Department of Health 2007). The following were prominent figures in the development of behaviourist psychology. Read about the experience of being part of this module from former Economics student Qurratuain Amir Ihsan (Class 2020)! Nevertheless, as a comprehensive theory of human behaviour, each also has major shortcomings. Professionals in psychology rely on theory as the underpinning of … In this paper, it will tackle on two models of health the lifestyle theory model and the biomedical model. Traditional style essays, as well as essays that reflect scientific writing (i.e. The science of well-being is theoretically, metrically, and empirically advanced enough to supplement economic indicators with well-being indicators. reflective visit to a campus canteen/café, the Library, etc.). Defence mechanisms were first described by Freud and later elaborated on by his daughter Anna (Freud 1966). We will also explore what matters more to our wellbeing between economics and non-economics factors, and how we could spend our money wisely to boost wellbeing. Because this person lacks insulin to metabolise glucose, the condition is managed with regular insulin injections. Theories of Models of Health and Well-being. He found that ‘personality development and emotional illness make up the bulk of mental health coverage in the texts’ (1989, p 40). Explanations can be broadly divided into three paradigms: Within these paradigms the following are the major viewpoints to offer a theory of personality development or an explanation of human behaviour: Each of these seemingly disparate perspectives makes a substantial contribution to the understanding of how and why humans think, feel and behave as they do, and thereby identifies opportunities for prevention and treatment of mental illness. Health psychology gives mental well-being great importance when it comes to living a ‘disease-free’ life. In recent times, advances in technology have led to increased understanding of organic determinants of behaviour. There is little doubt that COVID-19 is taking a lasting toll on the mental health of millions of people. Coronavirus (Covid-19): Latest updates and information, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL), Understanding Welbeing Theory and Practice, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) for positively assessing their wellbeing at the end of the course. Research into the health effect of social networks and interaction could inform cost-efficient mental health initiatives and policies. Good practice guide, Universities UK, MWBHE, 2015’; ‘Poppy Brown, The invisible problem? It was from his work with these patients that Freud hypothesised that the cause of their maladies was psychological. You will be given full tutor support both when planning your devised assessment and when bringing it to fruition. Behavioral theories of child development focus on how environmental interaction influences behavior and is based on the theories of theorists such as John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and B. F. Skinner. 6. He placed strong emphasis on the role of unconscious processes in determining human behaviour. This paper explores the associations between mental health, subjective well-being, and religiosity among Kuwaiti and American college students. Public mental health policy aims to improve population mental health and wellbeing, prevent the onset of mental and emotional distress, and increase resilience. However, the lack of insulin is a symptom of the disease, not the cause. Significantly, it means that the two states are not mutually exclusive. Improving students’ mental health, HEPI Report 88, 2016’; ‘10 steps to address the student mental health crisis’, etc. You can update your cookie preferences at any time. These concepts, the theories that attempt to explain them, and proposed interventions will be examined in this chapter. Behaviourism is a school of psychology founded in the United States by J B Watson in the early twentieth century with the purpose of objectively studying observable human behaviour, as opposed to examining the mind, which was the prevalent psychological method at the time in Europe. For example, unresolved issues at the oral stage can lead to dependency issues in adulthood, and problems in the anal stage may lead to the child later developing obsessive-compulsive traits. In the 1980s, Doona suggested that the problem of defining mental health was derived from the fact that the concept of health is not a measurable scientific term; she concluded that ‘health is probably a value judgement and more amenable to philosophical analysis’ (Doona 1982, Initial attempts to define mental health have focused on the individual’s ability to incorporate external factors. At each stage the child’s behaviour is driven by the need. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. ), we are observing a crisis, which is growing each year, in student mental health and wellbeing in the UK universities, including the University of Warwick. Furthermore, a definition in terms of the individual fails to acknowledge the contribution of social factors and the environment to mental health. In his quest to make psychology a true science, Watson further developed Pavlov’s work on, Skinner formulated the notion of instrumental or, Known Risk Factors for Prevalent Mental Illness and Nursing Interventions for Prevention, Theories of Mental Health and Illness: Psychodynamic, Social, Cognitive, Behavioral, Humanistic, and Biological Influences. See, for example, the definition proposed by the Australian Health Ministers (2003. Module recap (Elena): It will be an interactive lecture that students will find useful as a recap for their learning process. At each stage the child’s behaviour is driven by the need to satisfy sexual and aggressive drives via the mouth, anus or genitals. 4. Case studies will draw upon the creative arts as well as medical and social models of disability in order to consider ‘failing better’ as a strategy for wellbeing. Chapter 8 Theories on mental health and illness. scientific article style), will be welcome. Mental ill health is a considerable global public health burden, with major personal, societal and economical consequences.1 Local,2–5 national6–8 and international9,10 policies highlight the need for mental health promotion and early intervention strategies aimed at the reduction of this burden. During the sessions, students will work in groups and individually. Community attitudes about mental health and mental illness contribute to stigma. Be physically active. Wellbeing and Failure (Elena and Dr Jonathan Heron, IATL) : This session will take the form of a participatory workshop which will enable students to reflect upon issues of mental and physical health in relation to the interdisciplinary subject of failure. OR Here the link to a page which contains an explanation of what an SDA is and example from another module. Consider a person with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, for example. describe the contribution of psychological and sociological theories to the development of nursing theories. 10. Measuring social and emotional wellbeing. Thus, we analyse the direct and indirect pathways from past mental and physical health to present physical and mental health through intermediate levels of physical activity, social interaction and cigarette consumption. Who are you? Central tenets of the theory are that intra-psychic (generally unconscious) forces, developmental factors and family relationships determine human behaviour. If genetics were the only aetiological factor, the concordance rate for monozygotic twins could be expected to be 100%. At the beginning of the session, students will be directly involved in a practical workshop that will help them to understand this particular relationship while also reflecting on their personal experience. Implicit in the avoidance of the term ‘mental illness’ is the notion that mental illness is something to be avoided, hidden or shameful. (50%), 1000 (12 CATS) word academic writing piece OR 2-4 minute video plus 300 word commentary. These are that personality is determined by prior learning, that human behaviour is changeable throughout the lifespan and that changes in behaviour are generally caused by changes in the environment. For example, unresolved issues at the oral stage can lead to dependency issues in adulthood, and problems in the anal stage may lead to the child later developing obsessive-compulsive traits. Although these publications include ‘mental health’ in their titles, in the main they contain chapters or articles concerning assessment of, and treatments for, mental illness or mental health problems. How have you come to be who you are? A strong sense of wellbeing contributes to good mental health. Mental health describes the capacity of individuals and groups to interact, inclusively and equitably, with one another and with their environment in ways that promote subjective wellbeing, and optimise opportunities for development and the use of mental abilities. Psychiatric and Mental Health nursing deals with the care of patients who have emotional and mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and mood disorders. Pavlov demonstrated that a dog could learn to salivate (respond) to a non-food stimulus (a bell) if the bell was simultaneously presented with the food. Fellow psychoanalyst Erik Erikson disagreed with Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages of development and proposed instead a psychosocial theory in which development occurred throughout the lifespan, not just through childhood as in Freud’s model (Erikson 1963; Santrock 2007). Only gold members can continue reading. It was welcome because it enabled mental health to be viewed as more than merely the absence of the symptoms of mental illness. Nevertheless, as a comprehensive theory of human behaviour, each also has major shortcomings. Well-being, wellbeing, or wellness is the condition of an individual or group. to satisfy sexual and aggressive drives via the mouth, anus or genitals. Psychological and sociological theories have influenced the development of nursing theories. Finally, behaviourist theory falls short in explaining the success of an individual brought up in an adverse environment, or how mental illness can occur in a person whose environment is apparently healthy and advantaged. This is an underlying principle in treatment using an operant conditioning approach (Bond & McConkey 2001; Skinner 1953). Traditional style essays, as well as essays that reflect scientific writing (i.e. Three basic assumptions underpin behaviour theory. These social forces are acknowledged as contributors to mental health, as are personal qualities such as resilience, coping, physical health and wellbeing (Raphael 1993). circuits, boxercise). Personality theories that develop models to explain human behaviour have long been sought. The main theoretical frameworks linking factors in the built environment to health and wellbeing invoke some form of environmental stress theory, which sees wellbeing as determined by the balance between environmental stressors, such as noise, traffic, poor housing, or overcrowding, and countervailing protective factors, such as social integration (Halpern, 1995, Northridge et al., 2003). Why are some people seemingly more vulnerable to mental illness, while others are resilient despite adversity? Email: 1- 1500 (15 CATS) word academic writing piece OR 2-4 minute video plus 400 word commentary. A recent perusal of contemporary mental health literature found that this practice is still prevalent in texts and journals (Fontaine 2004; Forster 2001; Meadows, Singh & Grigg 2007; Morrison-Valfre 2005; and journals such as the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing and Issues in Mental Health Nursing). This will then lead to a deeper exploration of how mindfulness could support and cultivate wellbeing and the different meditative and “in-the-moment” practices available. • The relationship between health and wellbeing is not just one-way – health influences wellbeing and wellbeing itself influences health. Module introduction (Elena Riva and Janet Winter, Wellbeing Adviser, Wellbeing Services): the session will cover (a) the scaffolding themes of the module, i.e. Biomedical model focuses on the physical processes, for instance biochemistry, pathology and physiology of a disease. Although contemporary definitions encapsulate the breadth of factors that contribute to mental health, they are wordy and jargonistic. Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness. As reported in several national studies (‘Student mental wellbeing in higher education. A further consequence of using the euphemism ‘mental health’ when referring to mental illness is that this practice may in fact be contributing to the perpetuation of stigma. Initial attempts to define mental health have focused on the individual’s ability to incorporate external factors. Contemporary definitions of mental health include social determinants such as social connectedness, acceptance of diversity, freedom from discrimination, and economic participation (, develop people’s coping and general life skills, promote social support networks—for example, to tackle bullying, support bereaved families, facilitate self-help groups and increase opportunities to participate in the community. We analyzed the data regarding distress and anxiety caseness with logistic regression and the data regarding life … This can put a tremendous strain on a child, as the child distinguishes the atmosphere within the home as being depressing. The focus is on observable behaviour and conditions that elicit and maintain the behaviour (, Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov was the first to describe the relationship between stimulus and response. Well-being is a valid population outcome measure beyond morbidity, mortality, and There will be space for delivering feedback to students (including peer-feedback) and for self-reflecting on the learning journey. In the second half of the session, we will consider what we can each do as individuals to enrich the environment and thus maximise our own wellbeing and maximise our capacity to fulfil our own innate potential. 3. It was limited because a focus on individual factors implies individual responsibility, which may lead to victim blaming (McMurray 2007; Talbot & Verrinder 2005). Freud’s stages of psychosexual development are: An important contribution of psychoanalytic theory to the understanding of behaviour has been the identification of defence mechanisms and the role they play in mediating anxiety. In 1989 Kittleson drew attention to this phenomenon following an examination of undergraduate mental health texts. Following legislative name changes, organisations that provided treatment and rehabilitation services to individuals with mental illness also changed their names, replacing words like ‘psychiatric’ and ‘mental illness/disorder’ with ‘mental health’—hence the emergence of organisations with titles like ‘Southern Area Mental Health Service’. The nature versus nurture debate will also be explored. 1. Furthermore, most behaviourist research has been conducted on animals under laboratory conditions, so to extrapolate findings from this research to humans is mechanistic and does not allow for intrinsic human qualities like creativity or the ability to love, think or solve problems. Most of us, at one time or another, have pondered these questions. address structural barriers to mental health in areas such as education, employment and housing (Health Development Agency 2003). From this assumption he developed a personality theory, which he called psychoanalytic theory. Students will use this experience to reflect on the immediate and short-term impact of physical activity on mood and the role of regular physical activity for promoting wellbeing and the relationships between wellbeing and physical activity, exercise and sport. Skinner formulated the notion of instrumental or operant conditioning in which reinforcers (rewards) contribute to the probability of a response being either repeated or extinguished. The effect of social media on mental health is complex and it depends a lot on the type of social media activity, real-life conditions, and type of interactions. Rather, the assertion is that to call them mental health services is a misnomer. Health professionals and the health literature have adopted the practice of using the terms mental health and mental illness interchangeably. Mental health is not merely the absence of mental illness rather it’s a state of overall wellbeing. Good practice guide, Universities UK, MWBHE, 2015’; ‘Poppy Brown, The invisible problem? As reported in several national studies (‘Student mental wellbeing in higher education. Although contemporary definitions encapsulate the breadth of factors that contribute to mental health, they are wordy and jargonistic. scientific article style), will be welcome. The PERMA model identifies five essential elements to well-being. Two decades later, Sainsbury (2003) draws a parallel between mental health and happiness. Introduction to Wellbeing (Elena and Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown, WMS): Sarah will introduce students to the different perspectives on wellbeing favoured by the different disciplines and discuss the way these influence the measurement of wellbeing, research methodologies and approaches to improving wellbeing at the personal and population levels. • Both physical health and mental health can influence wellbeing3. Sport and wellbeing (Elena and Jina Tanton, Wellbeing and Health Coordinator, Warwick Sport): In this session, students will explore the role of sport and physical activity in relation to wellbeing. 3. However, evidence that a particular intervention is an effective treatment is not proof of a, Freud’s theory proposes that personality development progresses through four stages throughout childhood. ), we are observing a crisis, which is growing each year, in student mental health and wellbeing in the UK universities, including the University of Warwick. 1465 words (6 pages) Nursing Essay. This is not to suggest that mental illness services should not be provided; clearly there is a demonstrated need for them and they are not under scrutiny here. The substitution of the term ‘mental health’ when referring to ‘mental illness’ is a twentieth-century phenomenon that has been carried forward into the new millennium. Freud was an Austrian neurologist who, in his clinical practice, saw a number of patients with sensory or neurological problems for which he was unable to identify a physiological cause. 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