We examine a few pros and cons of school uniforms. Over time, education has often slipped away as the main focus of schools. School uniforms ensure that every student is wearing the exact outfit. The same theme is very close to the current uniform of the students attending the school today. They come in soft yellow polo shirts. Let’s look at the pros and cons of having school uniforms. However, uniforms do not eliminate gangs, and in fact, standard-issue clothing can potentially make symbolic gang clothing more difficult to identify or interpret—reinforcing a false sense of safety. People will go on discussing the effectiveness of school uniforms. The Institute of Educational Science National Center for Educational Statistics noted that in 2013–14:, Other concerns have been raised by David L. Brunsma, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Over the past twenty years, school uniforms have become a big business. They argue that kids lose their self-identity when they lose their right to freely express themselves through personal fashion.2. There are many school uniforms pros and cons—one major argument against school uniforms often posed by students in the school uniforms debate is that school uniforms … s.async = true; In the morning, wearing a school uniform avoids thinking about what clothes to wear . Public Education Leadership Project at Harvard University, 16 Sept. 2006. In this post you will read about some pros and cons of wearing school uniforms. School uniforms were not meant to cause any harm to students. (w[c] = w[c] || []).push(function() { Accommodate students religious beliefs. f = function () { n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n); }; At first, the charity schools were using it to support the orphan kids studying in their schools. In Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School (1969), the court said that a student's freedom of expression in school must be protected unless it would seriously interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline. They can hinder a child’s decision making skills. High initial cost. Top 10 School Uniform Pros & Cons – Summary List }); In my opinion, children who are forced to wear school uniforms don’t have the right to make a choice and decide for themselves. Parents and school officials often argue that uniforms put the brakes on gangs by removing this subtle communication method. Benefits of school uniforms Majority of pupils believe that school uniforms restricts their own desire to show their character as a consequence of their clothing. Musu, Lauren, et al. try { Many children have good marks and wear various clothes. School uniforms are mainly known to stop … Note that all of the following were from middle schools. https://honestproscons.com/. webvisor:true Cons of School Uniforms 1. Also, a uniform is expensive.
var n = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], They aren’t given the opportunity to decide for themselves, and that is the main reason for me to be against of wearing a school uniform. Washington, DC, 2019. This is required by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Because uniforms single out students as being from one school, this might lead to trouble with students from other schools. Children are not robots, or soldiers, and why must they look similar? They are school uniforms. } else { f(); } "Uniform Effects? If this topic is of interest to you, the following essay on school uniforms will be of much use. Kids that wear fancy clothes are often judged as a rich kid and often called by names such as “spoiled brat” and can be picked on. 11, no. The actual clothing required of a uniform may also be uncomfortable. 19. As we have unfortunately seen, school safety is such an enormous issue that it is hard to come up with policies that truly work without turning a school into a prison camp. s.type = "text/javascript"; w.yaCounter49127830 = new Ya.Metrika2({ There is no right answer to whether students should wear a school uniform or not. Journal of School Violence, vol. The uniform consisted of a long blue coat and yellow, knee-high socks. However, it can be said that something has changed to make the officials take notice. In the dissenting opinion written by Justice Hugo Black, he said, "If the time has come when pupils of state-supported schools ... can defy and flout orders of school officials to keep their minds on their own schoolwork, it is the beginning of a new revolutionary era of permissiveness in this country fostered by the judiciary.". "Dress for Success." The school uniforms essay presented below examines both sides of the question in order to come to a reasonable conclusion. Anecdotal information from administrators in schools that have implemented uniform policies point to the fact that they do have a positive effect on discipline and the school. Both public and private schools have a uniform policy that is adhered by all students in the school. Standardized school clothing has become a heated national debate with experts taking stands on both sides of the dispute. Thus, it would help mark any suspicious individual that is not wearing a uniform on school grounds. Denies self-expression. Limits self-expression. Families fear it might interfere with religious clothing like yarmulkes. White is the second-most popular color, with 23% of the vote, while 15% of schools prefer students to wear red. Some of the arguments made against uniforms include: There are concerns that uniforms are often associated with low-income, urban school settings. Students are still protected under Tinker. clickmap:true, For children across the globe, the start of the academic year is marked by the almost ritualistic back to school shopping trip. New York: M. Evans and Co., 2003. And despite their name, uniform, which means "remaining the same in all cases and at all times," school uniforms can still look different from one student to another. They come in all sizes. If you would like more information about schools that have implemented uniform policies, see the Department of Education's Manual on School Uniforms. ), Helping schools recognize those who do not belong on campus. Without school uniforms, the students can easily be judged about their economic privileges just by what they wear to school. I agree that wearing a school uniform is a controversial issue. Firstly, wearing a uniform could be uncomfortable for students. d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", f, false); Additionally, assault with a deadly weapon decreased by 50%, fighting incidents declined 51%, and sex offenses dropped by 74%. 4. But I can agree that wearing school uniforms creates a sense of identity and unity among school students. We can not discount the coincidence of school uniforms with these changes either. Let’s dig in and examine the pros and cons of school uniforms! "Dress for Uniform School Success." The Pros. School uniforms projects 1, 1998, p. 53-62, doi:10.1080/00220679809597575. In short, there is no guarantee that student wearing a school uniform will always meet the dress code standard. 345-356, doi:10.1080/15388220.2012.706873. 5. They had also not had a reported incident of theft.. Until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, this is entirely up to the school district. Of course, there are always those students who will try to alter a uniform for individuality. Uniforms, be it in schools or at workplaces, ... People wearing uniforms tend to care more about their peers and colleagues and try to ensure mutual growth from both sides. But what clothing children should buy, and wear to school brings a lot of debate. Melissa Kelly, M.Ed., is a secondary school teacher, instructional designer, and the author of "The Everything New Teacher Book: A Survival Guide for the First Year and Beyond. The issue of school uniforms itself, however, has not yet been dealt with by the Supreme Court. School uniforms are more than just clothes—they also help keep students focused and on task in the classroom, argues Angi Jones, principal at St. Mary Catholic School in East Dubuque, Illinois. Girls mustn’t come to school in very short dresses and skirts, or too short tops and high heels. Charity schools like Christ’s Hospital got the nickname ‘blue cloak’ schools. Let us summarize the pros and cons of introducing uniforms in school environment. 10. Nowadays, we are leaving in the age when everybody can wear whatever he or she wants. Also, the school uniforms are made from stronger and better fabric, which means they can stand repeated washing and everyday wear and tear better than normal clothes. There are many pros and cons of school uniforms to consider. Wearing a coat and tie, as some uniforms may require, can place more pressure around the neck than casual clothing. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they limit personal expression. A time that can be dedicated to other tasks, such as breakfast, which reduces stress for the child. "Bullies, Targets, and Witnesses: Helping Children Break the Pain Chain." Students can focus on building genuine relationships instead of superficial ones based on style. I can’t see any positive sides of wearing a uniform. Here are four pros and four cons of having a school uniform policy. 1. id:49127830, As Principal Rudolph Saunders explained to Education Week (1/12/2005) that before school uniforms, “I would spend 60 to 90 minutes a day on dress-code violations.". There’s a reason why some schools require wearing uniforms and some don’t. Not including this would probably cause a court to rule against your program unless there is proof that lesser measures are ineffective. After a school uniform policy was implemented in three Nevada middle schools in 2008 and 2009, 90 percent of students reported that they disliked wearing uniforms. So, there are many things, why schoolchildren do hate school, and wearing a school uniform can be one of them. Whether any of these results can be directly linked to school uniforms is hard to say. Keeping a child in school uniforms may be more expensive for parents and guardians than buying regular clothes would be. Education Week, 11 Jan. 2005. Students at one school were required to wear a robe-like outfit called a ‘cappa clausa.’ However, it wasn’t until the 16th century that modern school uniforms made an appearance in recorded history. To begin with, school uniform has been an ongoing controversial topic for many years. School uniform policies are implemented in schools all across the United States and are often the source of heated debate. Schools cite benefits of student uniforms, but researchers see little evidence of effectiveness, M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Florida, Decreasing violence and theft because of clothing and shoes, Reducing need for administrators and teachers to be 'clothes police' (for example, determining whether shorts are too short, etc. 92, no. Some of the reason offered to support school uniforms are the following: The arguments for school uniforms hinge on their effectiveness in practice. Uniforms may also dictate what clothing can be worn inside, which could require students to take coats or jackets off while outside to adhere to the code. More recently, a 2012 study found that after a year of having a uniform policy at a middle school in Nevada, school police data showed a 63% decrease in police log reports. In Seattle, Washington, which has a mandatory policy with an opt-out, school administrators saw a decrease in truancy and tardies. However, administrators point out that uniforms were only one of several reforms made, along with class size reduction, core courses, and standards-based pedagogy. Uniforms can come in a range of hues (or even plaid), but navy blue is still the standard at 38% of schools. I’m against wearing it, No one has the opportunity to show themselves. Skirts can be rolled up, pants can be dropped below the waist, and (inappropriate?) "Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2018." However, uniforms can also decrease crimes committed by students themselves. Possibly instituting school uniforms might help bring back that sense of decorum and allow teachers to do what they are hired to do: teach. It may lessen competition and teasing, but it doesn’t eliminate it. Uniforms also prevent the display of gang insignia or affiliated colors. Only 12% of American high schools had a uniform policy in place. Denying children and teenagers the opportunity to make those choices may make them ill-prepared for the adult world. "Long Beach Unified School District (A): Change That Leads to Improvement (1992–2002)." Barron's, 19 Sept. 2015. As for me, I would not like to wear a school uniform. I can also agree with such advantage as no need to decide what to wear in the morning .It is believed that children who wear a school uniform focus more on education but school uniforms may be the reason of outside bullying. When schools decide to impose a school uniform on their students, they usually do it after careful consideration, weighing the pros and cons of such a drastic decision. Sanchez, Jafeth E. et al. You can’t wear only one blouse, trousers all the time. They come in pleated pants, navy or khaki. Poor academic performance, school violence, and decreasing attendance are some of the major issues schools face today. Buying school uniforms for kids is more economical than buying an entire wardrobe for the season. Adults make their own clothing choices and have the freedom to express themselves through their appearance. Scientific research shows that school uniforms make the student appear smarter and more well-behaved, according to … Many schools have in fact made the choice to have students wear school uniforms. The students in this video discuss the pros and cons of school uniforms. Thus, this may be another good alternative to conventional school uniforms. messages on T-shirts can still be read through issued button-down shirts. Viadero, Debra. 9. Merchant, Valerie. Critics believe that allowing children to choose their own clothing fosters confidence and independence in them – characteristics, which are crucial to personal development and adult success. Many public school systems across the country have institutedchool uniforms in an effort to improve overall school performance and to reduce negative behavior. https://kids.lovetoknow.com/ Pros: 1. s = d.createElement("script"), After the mass shootings at Columbine High School in 1999 where students were singled out partially for what they wore, and after numerous thefts and murders over designer shoes, it is obvious why many school districts want to institute uniforms. Because of this, there is no pressure to wear specific brands or accessories. They go on to argue that denying this ability to expr… My daughter’s school uniform, required by the public magnet middle school where she began sixth grade last week, is perfectly nice. The usage of the school uniforms dates back to the sixteenth century. Schools must educate students in a safe environment. A new policy for school uniforms can be time-consuming and difficult to enforce. In conclusion, it should be said that school uniforms are effective either way. I don’t agree that children who wear a school uniform demonstrate better academic results in their classes and focus more on education. Thirdly, it could cost quite expensive. Charity schools like Christ’s Hospital got the nickname ‘blue cloak’ schools. What Are the Cons of Students Wearing School Uniforms? Students are waking up to the constant worry of what to wear every day. The number of schools based in cities that required their students to wear a uniform was higher than that of schools from the rural and suburban areas. 1. By doing so, school kids may be perfectly fine with wearing those uniforms and may even be proud of wearing them. The Pros and Cons of Wearing School Uniform 1523 Words | 6 Pages. Students and parents argue that uniforms violate their freedom of expression. Some of the Pros and Cons of Wearing School Uniforms. Wearing uniforms may reduce absenteeism The first recorded use of school uniforms was in England in 1222. Time Magazine, 5 Sept. 1999. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline, The Pros and Cons of Allowing Cell Phones in School, Building a Comprehensive School Discipline Referral Form, 10 Pros and Cons of Being a School Principal, The Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week, 10 Essential Policies for Your Student Handbook, Search and Seizure in Schools and Fourth Amendment Rights, Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2018, Long Beach Unified School District (A): Change That Leads to Improvement (1992–2002), Uniforms in the Middle School: Student Opinions, Discipline Data, and School Police Data, Bullies, Targets, and Witnesses: Helping Children Break the Pain Chain, Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Use, and Academic Achievement, Uniform Effects? They can’t make a choice, and they are told how to wear, live, etc. https://parenting.firstcry.com/ 1. })(document, window, "yandex_metrika_callbacks2"); Copyright 2012 - 2020 In2English | All Rights Reserved | Irina Bekreniova's Blog, Educational Systems in Britain and the USA, One of the many benefits of wearing school uniforms for children is that they, It is believed that children who wear a school uniform, Wearing school uniforms is not important because it, The children who are forced to wear school uniforms. Pro: Uniforms inspire appropriate behavior. They were introduced for recognition and the feeling of standing together united. accurateTrackBounce:true, One study found that a school’s adoption of uniform policy led to a 63% in police log reports. Fried, Suellen, and Paula Fried. We must realize that learning cannot take place without some sense of decorum and discipline. Institute an 'opt-out' provision. Austin, James E., Allen S. Grossman, Robert B. Schwartz, and Jennifer M. Suesse. A new policy for school uniforms can be time-consuming and difficult to enforce. In my opinion, a school uniform mustn’t be required for several reasons. Fortunately, there are not many schools in Ukraine that require a uniform, but all schools require a dress code, which means that you must be dressed as a student. "Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Use, and Academic Achievement." Luckily, a school uniform in Ukraine is not required. Opponents claim they are ineffective, expensive and stifle student creativity. Blumenthal, Robin Goldwyn. (function (d, w, c) { Con 1: They can be expensive for parents. Opponents of school uniforms argue that implementation of a standardized clothing policy stifle a student’s need for self-expression. The latter appears to be more affordable too because they can be used outside of school. trackLinks:true, Each school has its unique mode of dressing for all students. Can wearing a uniform help decide any of them? When Long Beach, CA, required all students in grades K–8 to wear uniforms, reports of assault and battery decreased by 34%. Often, uniforms are only available from a limited number of suppliers and the lack of … School uniform brings uniformity within the school and it differentiates one school from another. Some schools that have implemented them have chosen what one usually thinks of in connection to private or parochial schools: nice trousers and white shirts for boys, jumpers and white shirts for girls. He analyzed data from schools nationwide, and published research with co-author, Kerry Ann Rockquemore that concluded that 10th-grade public school students who wore uniforms did no better than those who did not in attendance, behavior, or drug use., The effectiveness of uniforms will be a subject of continuing research as more schools look for solutions to socio-economic problems of attendance, discipline, bullying, student motivation, family engagement, or economic need. Some people think that school uniforms can help make schools safer for kids. There’s the opinion that wearing school uniform can influence on students marks in better way, but I think, if the student doesn’t want to study and required to wear school uniform that is awful, he or she will hate school even more. This will very likely cause some fights at school. Avoid lack of discipline in schools. Schools cite benefits of student uniforms, but researchers see little evidence of effectiveness." 10 Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. In a 2019 study, the National Center for Education Statistics found that during the school year 2015–2016, approximately 21% of the public schools in the United States required uniforms. That same school year, annual school-uniform sales (including parochial, private, and public schools) totaled an estimated $1 billion.. "Uniforms in the Middle School: Student Opinions, Discipline Data, and School Police Data." Con 13 School uniforms may delay the transition into adulthood. Make uniforms an integral part of the school safety program. Cons of School Uniforms They’re expensive for parents: Those parents who would have sent their children to school in old hand-me-downs and knitted jumpers may not be as relieved about the uniform as you may think, as it will mean they have to fork out for expensive school uniforms time and again in order to pay for their children’s education. });
There are schools where you must wear a school uniform. Uniforms restrict students freedom of expression. Supporters claim uniforms make schools safer and even improve student performance. Make your program voluntary if community pressure is too large. This has always been the major argument raised against school uniforms. There are several top brands that produce school uniforms today. They come in white blouses. The institution named “Christ Hospital School” in London was the first school to use a school uniform. Brunsma, David L. and Kerry A. Rockquemore. What they wear have a huge effect on the on themselves since clothing is so popular. However, they do still have to follow state and federal anti-discrimination laws when they make their polices.Following are some ideas to make the use of uniforms easier to accept by students and parents: Make uniforms more casual - jeans and a knit shirt, Allow students an outlet for their own expression: buttons to support political candidates, but not gang related paraphernalia, Provide financial assistance to those parents who can not afford the uniforms. Because uniforms single out students as being from one school, this might lead to trouble with students from other schools. Children love their school, and the uniform that they wear to the school will remain a sweet memory once they grow up. 4, 2012, pp. Kids and teens use they way they dress to express themselves and to identify with certain social groups. Secondly, casual variants of it are very old-fashioned. The Journal of Educational Research, vol. s.src = "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js"; Uniforms were noted to be first recorded in history in 1552 AD. What Are the Cons of School Uniforms? They come in plaid skirts or jumpers. And it’s good that students won’t boast and compete in wearing expensive or fashionable clothes. Specific brands or accessories their self-identity when they lose their right to express... From the formal to the current uniform of the many benefits of wearing them vote, 15... Need for self-expression they grow up instead of superficial ones based on style `` Indicators school. This might lead to trouble with students from other schools on the on themselves since clothing is popular... Uniform demonstrate better academic results in their schools, education has often slipped away as the main focus of prefer! And are often the source of heated debate school to use a school can. 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